It is easier to do what you do JD
What was that example you gave of your evangelism efforts?

Be sure to include yourself in this "people who think they know something."   By definition, tht would pretty much catch us all. 
You wonder if it would be easier   ---  kevinand undies tingy  ??"   Of course itis easier.   Here's the choice that 99.9% of the evangelistic community has to make eeryday  --  who will I  (we) make the Mesage of hope and glory one that people down the street, people in our community,  people who are hurting and confused   ----   how is the best way to get the Message to those people?   This verses  --  "grab the signs, honey, we are going to corner to fight for the Lord and shame those damned sinners back to the Lord."    
It is easier to say,  "Well, some of them seemed interested and that one guy was saved, I got pictures of him comeing to the Lord"  than to look at what has been accomplished in His name and what has not been accomplished and pray and struggle over how to increasethe demonstration of the Lord's very walk on this earth  (his feeding of the thousands, His benevolent miracles to the thousands,  His patient instruction to those same people and His opposition to those who call themselves "religious" and would stand in the way of this hoist Message of salvation. 
Our daughter attends a church in Colorado Springs  --  around 15, 000 strong  -  a church started in the basement of the pastors home with just he and his wife 10 years ago.   Mega church?   Yes.   Lots of problems with being mega?   Of course.   Of the Lord  -- ABSOLUTELY.   And there are hundreds of such efforts out there  --  maybe thousands,  I don/t know.   
The church in China shares the Message via the secretive house church   --   perhaps 75 million strong.   Nearly 3000  converts an hour in churches outside the US.  
Easy verses hard?   There is a difference.   For those called to SP  -- great!!  For those who think this is the divine way  --   too much going on, blessed by the Lord, to make that claim.    Underwear and insults ??   ?May it never be again.!!!  

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Taylor <>
Sent: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 07:02:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Apologetic for the eternal sonship of Christ

Thanks Terry, you are an encouragement - I know opinions are common - there are so many out there.
Floating stones?  That's a new one.  I've heard of floating axe heads - but stones?  It's not easy or fun to deal with
ppl who think they know something.  At times I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to get out there with Kevin and the
underwear :)  judyt
On Sat, 02 Jul 2005 19:18:18 -0500 Terry Clifton <> writes:
Lance Muir wrote:
Lance the uninvited enters the fray. Earlier today Judy, I spoke of conversations that might be out of your league. Well, this is one of 'em. If David Miller thinks otherwise then, I'd suggest that he attempt to translate Bill into 'Judyese'. (He actually did that with something recently 'Imageless images' and he got part of it correct) Neither you two (Bill & yourself) nor we onlookers need tolerate your ill informed responses to Bill's well informed communiques
I thoroughly respect your attempts at understanding and responding. This is a conversation that David Miller could handle. You simply cannot. I'd advise Bill to leave it be. He has said enough to make some stones float. Some stones simply aren't bouyant
One man's opinion, Judy, and  very likely a wrong one.


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