I would suggest that: being 'Spirit-Filled, being gifted of God
(prophetically or otherwise), possessing skill in/with the original biblical
languages, being a mature (obedient to that which is revealed through
Scripture by the Spirit)believer ...these are yet no guarantee that one
will, IN ALL CASES understand 'the Holy Spirit's intent' (if this expression
was there previously then, I failed to note it). If one operates with some
sort of 'sliding scale' then the closer one comes to this, the closer one
comes to a sort of 'infallibility'.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
Sent: July 14, 2005 09:37
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] On playing chess & On reading/interpreting the
Scriptures for living (not for 'A' living)

> Terry wrote:
> > I make a simple statement that there is not enough
> > information to tell who would be the the most accurate
> > interpreter of scriptures or the most mature believer
> > between Bill, who I have never met, and a Russian,
> > who I have never heard of.  That is hardly placing one
> > of you in Hell and the other outside the body of the
> > Church.  If that comment is less than honest, explain
> > to me where I would have gotten the information needed
> > to reach the same conclusion as Lance.
> I found nothing dishonest in what you wrote, Terry.  I was amazed that
> post was interpreted the way it was.  There was definitely a problem in
> reading you.
> You mention something in this post that is somewhat interesting.  You
> mention both "accurate interpreter of scriptures" and "most mature
> believer."  Do you think these are related?  Are more mature believers
> accurate interpreters of Scripture?  My comments on this thread concerned
> only the ability to understand the intent of the Holy Ghost in the
> he inspired to be written.  Perhaps part of the disconnect in
> on this is that some connect the idea of "accuracy interpreter of
> scriptures" and "maturity of believers" in a more definite way.  That was
> perhaps part of Lance's perspective, that one cannot accurately interpret
> Scripture without having time for maturity, regardless of the involvement
> the Holy Spirit.
> What do you think?  Is the maturity of the believer something important in
> regards to the ability to understand the intended meaning of Scripture?
> maturity a requirement before one can understand the Holy Spirit's intent
> Scripture?
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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