John wrote:
> Good points, here for Terry.

Good points?  Please try not to treat TruthTalk like some kind of game show. 
I am not in competition with Terry and he is not in competition with me.  He 
is my elder in the Lord whom I respect and learn from.

John wrote:
> In addition, it seems to me that David is separating
> biblical knowing via the Holy Spirit from the maturing
> process.

Yes, that is it.

John wrote:
> That is not how I read Heb 5:11 - 6:1ff.

Well, now, very good point!  Excellent passage to consider for this topic. 
Maturity does make one able to receive knowledge that he previously would 
not have been able to do.  Another passage that supports your point here is 
John 16:12, which then would lead us to an understanding that Biblical 
knowing via the Holy Spirit is an even more effective teacher than having 
Jesus in the flesh as your personal tutor.

John wrote:
> Christine will view many thing very differently as
> her walk progresses  --  we have all shared in the
> same process of spiritual growth

Amen, John.  This is truth.  You illustrate that there are many sides to 
consider in this multifaceted topic.

Can I ask another related question?  Does a person require a Ph.D. in order 
to understand the Bible?  Does a person with a Ph.D. have a better 
understanding of the Holy Spirit's intent in Scripture than a person with 
only a high school diploma?  I know Terry might say he needs more 
information to answer this question, but maybe you can answer it?

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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