Judy wrote:
> Yes, I do believe we all come into this world with
> an "inheritance" in and a natural "propensity" toward
> sin ... ATST I don't believe that all babies automatically
> go to hell because God is merciful and He is a God
> of covenant which is what Paul takes into consideration
> when he speaks of believer md to unbeliever and so
> long as they remain together their children are "holy"
> (because of the godly influence in that home).
> I don't think we completely understand these issues
> of sin and righteousness - like we should.

You say that we don't completely undertsand these issues.  I think what you 
are doing is acknowledging an inconsistency in your theological perspective. 
You don't understand these issues because your logical perspective is 
inconsistent with the voice of your conscience.  You are having trouble 
reconciling the idea of children being born "in sin" and yet something in 
your conscience which does not accept the idea that they are condemned to 
hell.  If you were logically consistent with your viewpoint that if Jesus 
were born in the same flesh as us he would be unholy, then you would have to 
conclude that the children also are unholy and deserve hell and damnation. 
This is what has led many church scholars to the importance of infant 

If children can be born holy, or in other words, born separated unto God and 
not deserving of the damnation of hell, why not Jesus?  I think the 
logically consistent position that would lead us to a better understanding 
is that a person's flesh does not, in itself, condemn a person to the 
damnation of hell.  It is when a person responds to his flesh and commits 
sin that he becomes guilty.  It seems to me that Izzy and I are in agreement 
on this point.  What do you think?  (Obviously, my next proposition, if this 
is accepted, is to talk about Jesus and the relationship between his flesh 
and holiness.)

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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