Izzy in red:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:16 AM
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Spiritual death


Bill, the reason they aren’t serving God with their mind, body, soul is because they are spiritually separated from Him (dead—not physically but spiritually!). Izzy


Do you mean that their spirits are literally dead? Yes, to the things of God.


 If so, then how can they, of their own free will, choose to serve God? By His grace alone.


 Wouldn't the spiritual aspect of their beings have to be regenerated before that choice could be made? In other words, how could a dead spirit choose to become a live spirit, one which could respond to God in service to him?  How can an “alive” spirit be regenerated and made alive, Bill? How is one regenerated if one was not dead in the first place?


I know you want to help your friend, and she certainly needs all the help you can give her, but please don't digress. That only adds further confusion to the discussion.

You think I’m digressing? You are my friend, also, Bill.  I’m trying to help both of you. iz





----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:01 AM

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Spiritual death


Bill, the reason they aren’t serving God with their mind, body, soul is because they are spiritually separated from Him (dead—not physically but spiritually!). Izzy


I told Izzy that I thought there was a spiritual element included in Jesus' statement: "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead." But I also told her that I thought it was not just directed at the spirit aspect of personhood: "those who reject Christ are doing so with their entire being -- mind, body, soul, and spirit."  Bill

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