
When I ask "what difference does it make if I understand this or not?" I am asking relative to salvation. Does my knowing what "spiritual death" is or is not affect the "thou shalt be saved" part?

The answer is no. There are many who have and will live and die without ever hearing the term "spiritual death" or understanding it even conceptually, that still "shalt be saved". My point being that while it is interesting to ponder and study these things, understanding them is not required.

[This is the gist of my response. You can stop reading here. The rest is how I grapple with this personally.]

I have always held to the premise that in order for salvation to be granted to anyone, it must be available to everyone, including those who may not have the capacity to study and understand theological things. If our salvation depends on our intellectual ability to understand anything more than "we are saved by the blood of Christ", it is then available only to the intellectuals who can read and understand theological principles. If salvation is truly not of ourselves, then there is nothing we can do to change that other than believe (accept) or reject it. The esteemed theology professor at the great Christian university has no different a standing [relative to salvation] than the slowest of minds who believe.

I do agree that it is good to know and understand the things of God and Christ, and that some are called to be teachers and pastors who should have answers to these types of questions. But, I also happen to know that there are many who love Christ, trusting and believing that they are saved by His blood, but either do not have the capacity, ability, or desire to know or understand much more than that. I do not think they are excluded from salvation for this. It is with those in mind that I ask "what difference does it make if I understand this or not?"


From: "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perry  wrote
 By the way, what difference does it make if I understand this or not?

It makes a difference in your ability to hold consistent and true beliefs pertaining to the things of God and to rightly explain those things to others.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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