On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 14:55:43 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
..JCs lineage as son of David's, offspring of a Jewsh girl who educated him her culture is offensive to ppl like you partly, perhaps mainly, bec your own choices are to esteem (racial) ignorance of them, too, and call it 'wisdom'..
jt: Your JC is according to the "flesh" Gary as is what you call faith. This is not so for the apostle Paul
who writes that their branches have been broken off (Rom 11:8-17)
contra Dylan, obviously Christianity is a religion to you, e.g., its religious dualism dictates the dichotomy you've imposed, below, and arbitrarily forced even onto JC himself who is as un-understandble as Bob Dylan to you because you stripped the[ir] Jewish DNA/culture/eschatology factor out of your life..
jt: Their DNA/culture has nothing to do with God's Kingdom Gary - JC has broken down the wall of partition and so there is now no male, female, Jew, Greek, bond or free.... so the dualistic religious straw
man you have constructed is some figment of your own imagination and heaven will not be some oasis
of Jewish culture with Dylan's music....
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 12:12:13 -0400 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 09:00:32 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
profoundly it's Dylan who is serving the Lord
Really G? 

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