DAVEH:  Rest assured Judy, I have no illusions about other TTers' thoughts about me being deceived.  Nor am I offended that you or anybody else believe such.  I just appreciate your forthrightness in discussing it openly, and without malice.  Though your message may be harsh, you did try to frame it kindly....thank you.

    I am curious to know if you believe I am dispensing spiritual poison though.  Do you believe that I am conscientiously trying to deceive TTers?  Or, do you think that offering explanations about my beliefs when asked is detrimental to other TTers in some way?   I guess what I am ultimately trying to find out is if you or other TTers feel that just having a Mormon on TT is a big threat to you or your faith.

    As I've said before, I think the idea of TT being a place where Christians (and non Christians) of all faiths can discuss beliefs we share in common, and those we don't.  And to me, it the ability to converse with somebody with radically different beliefs is beneficial.  Otherwise, I'm dependent on hearing about such things from biased sources (often times LDS) that may not be entirely accurate.  Yet I know that some TTers do not share my enthusiasm for hearing about what others believe.  It seems instead that they only feel comfortable when they can impose their beliefs on others, with the assumption that their beliefs are superior.  Perhaps that in itself isn't so bad, but it sure strikes me odd that some seem to cop an attitude and get their noses out of joint when they don't quite control the discussion to their liking.  

    So....Any idea what causes this in some folks?

Judy Taylor wrote:
It's not my heart to be mean Terry - I just thought it needed to be said and I put it in the kindest
way I know.  I like DaveH too but reality tells me he is deceived. Is there another way to say it?
I know you don't think we should ignore it?.
On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:04:52 -0500 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Give me a little credit, Judy.  I suggested that you follow his example of being courteous and
respectful.  Your comment was mean and uncalled for. You know better. Terry

Let's get real here Terry ... Satan comes as an angel of light - so are you saying that it's OK to
dispense spiritual poison so long as one is nice, polite, and dosen't offend anyone?  This is
how all cults begin....
On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 16:07:52 -0500 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Stay tuned.  Maybe you can learn from observing others, possibly Dave Hansen.  ==========================================================

Dave Hansen
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