So go ahead and answer the questions and clear the air. Simple fix!
While you are at it answer the hundreds of others over the years that you have avoided like the plague.
Till then I say you have something to hide.

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ShieldsFamily wrote:

Izzy in red.



DAVEH:  Thanx for your frank thoughts, Izzy.  I do find it interesting that you don't read my theological posts defending LDS theology, yet you expect me to open my mind to those trying to convert me from Mormonism.   Do you understand why that would strike me as a bit odd? Nope.  I am not open minded about extra-biblical information.  You are.  That makes you odd in my book.  J  IMO you are not open to Truth because you have swallowed LDS lies. 

DAVEH:   OK Izzy.......I can understand your convoluted logic on this.  Essentially, you are saying that I am too open minded to being close minded.   To quote a friend.....That makes you odd in my book.      :-)

    I am also amazed (amused) that you perceive me as being You are civil and pleasant to talk to except.......Hmmmm.......I must be much trickier than I am aware, as I did not realize that my character changes from being civil and pleasant to something less savory at those times when I am stirring up TTers to anger.  Right off hand, I can't think of any time I've done that, but perhaps I can't see my own faults.  I don't stir folks to anger at the Church I attend.  Do you suppose that IF I were to leave TT, the animosity sometimes expressed here would disappear?   Or Izzy....are you just giving me undue credit for something with which I have little control? I’m not saying you are intentionally aware of your craftiness,

DAVEH:     craftiness???......ohhhhhhhhh, that is an interesting comment.  You are losing me on this, Izzy.......what is it that I am so crafty doing?  As you see it, is being nice and respectful to others a recipe for poisoning other TTers?  Am I to conclude from this that you think I'm here to stir up trouble?  Just how do you think I should behave on TT?

but you mormon guys are good at playing poor me for anyone who will sympathize with you.

DAVEH:    I guess I'm going to have to ask you for an example of this, Izzy.  I don't recall playing poor me, but since I'm the focal point of your accusation, perhaps I cannot see my own faults.  Interestingly this presents an intriguing problem for anybody who may want to offer a contrasting comment, as they will be perceived by you as sympathizing with me.  In effect, there is no way for me to win (if that is the correct word for it) in this particular discussion!  If nobody contributes their differing view of it, you win by default.  And if somebody does suggest you are perceiving this matter incorrectly, they automatically become my sympathizer and you are vindicated in your belief.   Wow Izzy.......and to think you have accused me of......craftiness!!!

    BTW Izzy.........Do you think I am really worried about the Poor nice little mormon boys being picked on by the meanies and am trying to get TTers to feel sorry for me???  Or are you just imagining monsters where there are none? I was speaking not just of you in particular, but of mormon tactics in general.

DAVEH:   Wellllllllll.......that might explain why there is a lot of conflict in TT.  Do you realize that others reading your posts cannot read your mind, Izzy?  When you say things like that, the natural assumption for many TTers is to conclude that you are talking about me.    Where else have you run into mormon tactics in general like this?  Have you actually run into such tactics as this used by Mormons, or are you assuming such from what you've heard others say about us?

ShieldsFamily wrote:

DaveH, I can only speak for myself here in response to your query.  For me, having LDS folk on TT is not threatening at all.  I’d say if I could choose to have you guys here or not, I’d have you here. You and Blaine would be missed, I’m sure, if you left.  You are civil and pleasant to talk to except for when I perceive your manipulativeness in pitting others against each other by taking sides for or against you, or feeling sorry for you.  (Poor nice little mormon boys being picked on by the meanies. J  ) But you are pleasant for the most part, and add a certain humor to TT.


It seems that whenever a new Believer joins TT they learn you guys are here, and they explore the possibility of reasoning with you, and pretty much the same discussion ensues until they, at last, realize that comparing the truths of the Bible against the obvious fallacies written by JSmith does not persuade you to abandon your bizarre mormon ideas. Although I don’t bother to read your posts if they are defending mormon ideology (because I find it to be so pointless and obviously baseless) I like it that you engage with some who have hope of reaching you with truth.  I think if that is ever to happen, it will be a work of the Holy Spirit via the Word of God, and not through the arguments of anyone on TT.  And even that would require some openness on your part, which I have never perceived.  But only God knows for certain, and one must leave room for the unexpected. I am quite frank here, knowing that you can deal with it.  izzy


Dave Hansen
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