I must have missed the letter from the doctor at the Astrodome,
do you still have it Izzy cause I'd like to see it?  I figure a lot of it was anger
taken out on the astrodome and those who were trying to help them.  I've
heard a lot of talk about the culture of poverty that Welfare States encourage
and New Orleans sounds like a prime example.
Good manners must be taught and an attitude of gratitude is to be coveted.
They weren't all like that though, there were some christians though they may
have been the minority. I saw the sweetest old lady on TV who had become
separated from and was looking for her autistic son. She said that when they
were waiting for the busses outside the Astrodome that ppl were pushing and
acting up and that this would get him all upset - then she asked ppl to please
get down on their knees and pray for her son.  Someone in Houston had taken
this woman home and said she was too much of a lady to be at the shelter ...
God has a ppl....
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 13:06:38 -0500 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ShieldsFamily wrote:
> > No, Terry, we should never intend to be "offensive".  OTOH, the
> truth is an
> >offense to some.iz
> > 
> >
> Amen!  Always will be.
>  The letter you posted from the doctor who was a volunteer at the
> Astrodome is very much like one I read from a volunteer at a
> roadside
> rest on the  LA/TX border.  He said tat the Red Cross had set up
> there
> with soft drinks, chips and cookies to give the refugees something
> to
> hold them 'til they arrived in Houston.  According to him, there was
> no
> appreciation shown, items that were unwanted were strewn all over
> the
> grounds, the restrooms were a mess as people had urinated in the
> corners
> and on the walls and even on the mirrors.  If those that drowned in
> the
> storm were of the same type as those who were riding the busses,
> there
> is probably a lot of complaining in Hell right now.  Maybe we should
> bus
> them all back to Big Easy and open the levees again.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
> may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> http://www.InnGlory.org
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