Lance, the issue is not a fear that anyone will "abandon the faith", although that is possible, it is that heretical tenets will be introduced that work to convince those to whom the faith was and is delivered that the occultic and heretical mormon system is a form of Christianity. Some on this forum already accept that.

My response to the mormons on this forum has been bold and decisive at every turn. I have worked to clarify every redefined term, and point out every systematic flaw of which I am aware. Kevin, while his style may be harsh to some and cause their demons to twist, has taken even a stronger stance, and while I have not heard much from Dean in the 2.75 years I have been on TT, I suspect from his recent posts that he does the same when necessary (in fact, I hope he recovers from his weariness from the fight and picks up his sword against the mormon lie once again! When Dean recently began posting, I saw a bit of awe and fear in DaveH's responses to Dean that revealed to me the effectiveness of Dean in that mormon's life. Dave has had it too easy for a while!). While some of us on this forum can discern these mormon heresies, if there is even a single individual on this forum that does not, then they will gain from exposure of the truth about the mormons.

In fact, I am surprised that every Christian on this group does not rail against the heresies that are routinely promoted by the mormons on this forum. Instead I see complacency and acceptance of such heresy, even acceptance of pagans as brothers in Christ.


From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]  Restoration versus condemnation-David Miller
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 07:38:50 -0400


I've had no sense whatsoever of any on TT EVER having been moved to abandon 'the faith once delivered to the saints' as a direct result of the 'Mormon presence' herein.

Dave, after all, espouses the faith once delivered to the 'Latter Day' saints. IMO, none has failed to note the differences.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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