----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 10/18/2005 7:39:22 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Restoration versus condemnation-David Miller

I've had no sense whatsoever of any on TT EVER having been moved to abandon 'the faith once delivered to the saints' as a direct result of the 'Mormon presence'  herein.
cd: Maybe you haven't been here long enough-I have seen otherwise. I person saw Miller lead a young man to God and right as salvation was being had-Evil daveH steps and the moment was lost-Now the poor man will more than likely go to hell-least God give him another chance. By the way this is my last thread on DaveH for while-hint,hint. I didn't come here for this reason
Dave, after all, espouses the faith once delivered to the 'Latter Day' saints. IMO, none has failed to note the differences. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: October 18, 2005 07:23
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Restoration versus condemnation-David Miller

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 10/17/2005 2:45:55 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Restoration versus condemnation

DAVEH:   Thank you for sharing your honest feelings with me, Dean.  I did not realize you only came back now and then to keep me from getting out of control, so to speak.
cd: I wouldn't look at it as controlling you DaH that is not my goal nor task-you should view my statement more as preventive medicine and controlling damage.

    I did not feel you were being attacked by other TTers.  Nor did I feel that the majority sided with me in our previous discussions.  Though I can understand why you may feel to the contrary knowing how passionate you are against what I believe, and your forthrightness in proclaiming such.  I think that is what brought the negative reactions to your previous posts.   In your heart you feel your way is the right way, and in TT there is room for the wrong way....which is a conflict in your paradigm.  At least that's the way I see it......do you see it in similar light?
cd; I am against anything that exalts itself against God-your religion does that. When must Christians give room for the wrong way? Where in the Bible are we told to do this????????

    But I do have a different plan for you this year:-)

    Welllllllllllll Dean.......You certainly have piqued my curiosity!!!   Can you let me in on what you have in store for me this year?    If you tell me up front, then I can't claim you back stabbed me!    :-) 
cd: Back stabbing-as you know- is being friends to ones face then attacking someone when they trust you enough to turn their back towards you. I have always been honest with you about my feelings for Mormonism/You up front-so when have I back stabbed you? If one makes a charge against another he should be able to prove that charge-so prove yours-this is a serous charge Dave H-it is called making false charges against another(ie. Bearing false wittiness- breaking a commandment).

    Hmmmmmmm.........Now that I think about it, what you say below is somewhat contradictive to what you said a few days ago about leaving TT if I ever become a moderator.  How could you keep me reigned in IF you were to abandon ship once the Mormon boy takes the helm?     =-O       You'd better rethink that one, Brother Dean!    :-)
cd: It has been my experience that all people that do wrong want to be accepted by Christians-Mormons are no different then Sodomites in this regard. I am of the belief that Satan directs this as a way of "getting inside' to do more damage-so your talk of leading a Christian debate group doesn't surprise me-You must want it bad due to you comments on this same subject last time/year I was here. Tell you what Dave to be (so as not to be accused of back stabbing) I offer to moderate this group also. David M do you still need help?By the way-Who is the current moderater now anyway? Who are we backstabbing DavH?

Dean Moore wrote:
DAVEH:   Seriously, I find that interesting Dean.  Care to share why you feel that way?   I wonder how many others feel the same way.....care to proffer a guess?
 cd; I'm not sure how many others feel as I do DavH-I would say not many from past debates with you because most took your side against me,but I will admit something has changed-As a Christian we cannot come under the control of a worldly person on spiritual matters-you fit that definition with your confused theology (ie. part scrambled truth/part lie.) If I were to leave it really wouldn't matter to the group due to me coming here only once a year-have you ever wonder why I do that with the attacks made against me by my brothers/sisters DavH? The answer is really simple-I do it for the group in case they have been influenced by LDS doctrine-stir up the pot so to say. But I do have a different plan for you this year:-)

Dave Hansen
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