DAVEH:   I do believe you are rambling, Brother Dean.  Take a couple aspirin, a deep breath......and if you want to ask me a sincere question, please put it in a cogent post.  But if you would rather rant, please be advised that other people may be reading this and....do you really want others to hear you thinking like this?

Dean Moore wrote:
. cd: Daveh you big cry baby-Claiming I am a liar after all the back
stabbing comments-By your standards then- when have I ever back
stabbed-show me proof or ask for forgiveness. As I understand the below-the
union between God and Mary was natural-then you say it was a genetic test
tube type babby-Then your prophet (seer)Orson Pratt whom Mormons claim are
never wrong (remember the brain washing of having to repeat over and over
"the prophet is never wrong") said she wasn't a virgin. Have you ever heard
of blasphemy(ie.accusing God of sin)?You and your cult are full of poop you
are a stench in the nostrils of God -a "fart" best describes you and your
The birth of the Saviour was as natural as are the births of our children; it was the result of natural action
 (though not necessarily sexual) whereby the genetic makeup of our Heavenly Father was combined with Mary's genetic makeup to bring forth a child in as natural a fashion as science now 

 LDS theology teaches that Mary was a virgin. > >considering how LDS folks think or believe.

   Probably the most extremely opinionated person quoted was Orson Pratt in The Seer, which was a highly speculative book based on OP's opinions.
Despite being an LDS leader, his opinions are no substitute for official 
doctrine, which is found in the Standard Works. 


 Dave Hansen
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