Maybe they ignored him like you ignore my questions because they lead where you prefer to avoid.
Why does the Standard works portray your god with an ERECTION?

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My information comes from standing in front of the Mormon temple and talking to Mormons day after day- all day long- while hundreds of thousands of Mormons come to conference in SLC. They believe he made these comments.

DAVEH:    I'm curious, Dean.  Did you specifically discuss 7 foot Quakers on the moon with the LDS folks in SLC?  And did you speak to them in a similar way that you've been posting to me for the past few days....e.g. More Mormon crap?  Did any of them listen to you....or, did most ignore you?

Dean Moore wrote:
cd:The 7 ft quakers statements are an issue because they reflect on the credibility of the so-called prophet J. Smith. To claim to recieve revelation from a God whom told J.Smith that there are quakers on the moon is a serious non-credibility issue on J.Smith part.It this is untrue why would anyone believe his other recieved revelations and build a church on those revelations? I am surprised that you have to ask this question.
And I am surprised that my questions in other posts have not been answered regarding this claim.   Did JS, in fact, make such a statement?   Did he speak as a prophet of God?  Is this a part of the formal teachings of the Mormon religion?   Me  --   I  need   book  chapter and verse for such claims  ------------------   not personal affirmations.\
Cd: I will have to rely upon Kevin to supply the formal documents. My information comes from standing in front of the Mormon temple and talking to Mormons day after day- all day long- while hundreds of thousands of Mormons come to conference in SLC. They believe he made these comments. It is interesting that you fail to ask the Mormons for proof. I suspect our discussions on this site are going to be limited.

 Dave Hansen
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