Joe was a "Restorationist"
JD came out of a different branch of the "Restorationist" movement.

Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 10/23/2005 8:16:10 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:The HEART of the matter

Perhaps you have some errors that Samuel propagated?
Perhaps you have some errors that Jeremiah propagated, seeing that God said he would be His mouth?

I gave you Abraham, Isaac, King David, Samson and Jonah.  King Saul and Solomon were God's choice, as well.  My point being that men of God, chosen and used by the Great God Almighty,  were no more perfect in life than anyone else.   Were Samuel  and Jeremiah perfect?   Hardly.   There is none righteous, no not one  ---------------   a statment that most surely was true before the Cross. JD
 cd:Matt.1:6 They were both righteous in the sight of God, walking blameless in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord. Are we learning anything yet? I also find it strange that you would use statements such as "most surely" in your reply. This is Mormon speech-Were/are you a Mormon-I realize in support and comradeship you are, but what I want to know is were/are you a member of the LDS church?
cd: You are attempting to make Smith equal to the Prophets of God by claiming they were as weak as he was. The comparison is faulty as the Prophets of God didn't make ludicrist claims as 6'4" quakers on the moon. When they said "Thus saith the Lord" they spoke truth if not they were not to be feared.As having problems in their daily lives or struggling -yes they did such- but there is a big difference of those great men of God and Smith. They didn't marry the wives of their church leaders while these member were absent as Smith did-big difference-Nor did they God wants then to sin as Mormons do(ie. Multi-wives..etc...etc).

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