What does it matter if it is doctrine or not.
Of course it is not.
The problem is not only joe but also brigham and others said such Ludicrous things.
Some were said in sermons which brigham said were "scripture"
In sermon he said there are inhabitants on the Sun
How about the Standard Works talking about KOLOB near god's house?
Which one never knows; as it just might be right next door to your own personal planet!
Imagine that you and the Mormon god ; neighbors!

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is this really part of accepted Mormon doctrine?

DAVEH:   No Judy, it is not part of Mormon Doctrine.  It is just that some anti-Mormon folks want people to think it is a part of our theology.

Judy Taylor wrote:
cd: By the way -You are claiming I have hallucinations now. DaveH I am not
the one seeing 6'2" men dressed as Quakers on the moon quacking at people
as they journey back from vacation on their way home to the sun (rushing to
get there before dark).By the way the7' quakers are on the dark side of the
moon. How far will you go to defend your Lord J.Smith-what's next me going
into convulsions?
This is too funny Dean - Is this really part of accepted Mormon doctrine?
The rest of it is strange enough but Quakers/quackers on the moon?  I thought
you all were being funny.  Surely this is not for real?  jt

> > >DAVEH:   Are you hallucinating again, Dean?  I never insulted you
> by
> > >calling you a drug user, or backstabber.  I certainly might have
> asked
> you
> > >what you were smoking, as some of the claims you make are so
> screwed up
> > >that they sound as if they are from somebody who's mind has been
> influenced
> > >by drugs.  But...I'm pretty sure you aren't a doper, despite
> sounding
> like
> > >one at times.   And again FTR.....I never claimed you are a
> backstabber.

Dave Hansen
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