Dean Moore wrote:
cd: Ignorance in our language isn't a bad word or a put down-it means that one simple doesn't know certain topics or facts. I am ignorant about many areas of Mormon religion such as what is Pay-lay ale? Yet I understand that to be the brother of Christ-Satan isn't viewed in your religion to be such a bad guy.So to you doing a chant invoking his name isn't the worst one can do.
DAVEH:   So why do you make assumptions about something you do not know about, Dean?   Your ignorance may cause you to draw incorrect conclusions.
cd: So where am I wrong Dave? Help me overcome my ignorance as we try to do you.
DAVEH:  If you don't understand something about LDS theology, why would you make incorrect claims about what we believe rather than asking what we believe?  (I may be wrong, but I think you were one who claimed that we believe God had sex with Mary.....correct me if I am wrong.)
But for the matter of our discussion Lucifer is not another name of Satan
DAVEH:   Do you not consider Lucifer and Satan to be one in the same entity???
  cd: No and if you follow mine and Kevin's  debate you will see why.
DAVEH:   I find that interesting, Dean.  I thought that was commonly believed.  I have not been following your exchange with Kevin very closely, so I do not know your reasons for believing they are two separate entities.  Does your believe represent mainstream Protestant thinking on that?
-this is a mistake in the meaning of the translation.In the ancient Greek the word was "Day Star" and refereed to the Babylon Prince Belshazzar ( I think that was his name) and was comparing men to stars and Belshazzar was the most powerful man as Venus was the brightest morning star hence to name Lucifer-which by the way the only time this name is used in the bible (Isaiah 14:12) .In a d eeper search The word actually means "Howl"The NASB is mo re correct here then the KJV.

Dave Hansen
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