Izzy wrote:
Okay, add to Terry's original scenario the fact that
the couple that realized that they were living in adultery
had actually been "Christians" prior to their adultery
with each other.  They then each divorced their spouses
because they were "in love".  They now have a child
between them, as well as their children from their previous
marriages.  But now they claim that they have repented
and are forgiven.  What is your advice to them?

This sounds very similar to a situation in my own family involving my sister. She actually had the other man's child while still married to her rightful husband, deceiving him and the rest of us about whose child it was until after the child was born. In the beginning, she would call her rightful marriage "adultery" and her new found love as "true love" and "God ordained marriage." It took more than 10 years before she finally has admitted to me that she should not have committed adultery. However, she still does not see the sinfulness of the divorce. In fact, she looks at it as a kind of salvation for her. This is VERY dangerous, in my opinion. The fruit of the deception has led her to the Roman Catholic Church which seems to offer haven for many in this kind of situation.

In this age of grace, my focus is continually upon the teaching of Christ concerning what marriage is, which does not allow for divorce and remarriage. Those who can hear will take a celibate life and I encourage them in that. Those who cannot hear because of the hardness of their heart might better abide by the teachings of Torah on the matter.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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