have no idea what the Church of Christ might believe.  I have no problem with a Jewish Christian wedding a Gentile Christian.  I have studied Paul's teaching, but do not pretend to understand what it means.  I am not about to speculate what the Jews of Ezra's day intended to do once they were divorced.  I simply see men who wanted to be obedient at the time.  What happened afterward would be a wild guess on my part.  I do not understand your last sentence.  Maybe you and I do not have the same idea about what the words interpret and apply mean .  I had no idea I was doing either one.

David Miller wrote:
Terry wrote:
All I can tell those folks is to read Ezra 10:10 to the
end of the chapter.  You will see a story of men who
had also married women that they should not have
married, and how they corrected the situation.
Even when it is painful, God does not comprmise
with the Devil.

Sounds like good tough love, Terry, but what else can be argued from Ezra? This is the passage that the Churches of Christ hammer about why remarried couples must divorce and then remarry their original spouses.  Are you, on the basis of this passage, going to tell a Jewish Christian man who has married a Gentile Christian woman that he must divorce the Christian and go marry a Jew?  Do you really think that this would be following the Spirit of Christ's teaching on this matter?  What about Paul's teaching that the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the believing wife?

These people in Ezra divorced these "strange women" alright, but I don't think that they were doing so with the idea of becoming eunuchs for the kingdom of God.  They surely did so in anticipation of remarrying again within Judaism.  So this particular example does not exactly cross over well to the teaching of Christ on this subject.  The thrust of what Jesus taught on this is that he is against divorce, yet his teachings would seem to create more divorce the way you are interpreting and applying it.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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