-----Original Message-----
From: Knpraise
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 02:38:03 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Torah & Jewish traditions

-----Original Message-----
From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 16:50:01 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Torah & Jewish traditions

JD wrote: 
> It is Thayer [on "telos"] who says "In the Grk. writ. 
> always of the end of some act or state, ... in the 
> scriptures always of a temporal end." Never ever 
> assume, David, that when I give a [technical] definition 
> I speak of my own authority. That never happens. 
Well, then, if you are quoting someone without referencing them, why isn't Bill Taylor accusing you of plagerism like he did Judy when she did it? 
You criticized me for doing so in a past exchange  -   so I left off the reference.   I believe your criticism was similar to the one in this post.  

In any case, I have read Thayer's offering on this, and I cannot find this quote. you obviously have deleted words, and I cannot consider the context when you quote in this way. We had problems the last time you were quoting authority because you don't seem to understand how to let them lead you into understanding. You constantly quote them as if they were inspired Biblical authors who cannot be wrong. 
You have not read Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon [on "telos" ] or you would have encountered  my quotation with the 14th word of his definition  !!!!   In the past,  you claimed to have a copy of Thayer in your library by Baker Publishing Company.   I had asked you to copy the definition you claimed was from that book , a definition that was counter to the Thayer's publication I have.   You conveniently  left off the discussion and went to fight the whirlwind, or something of that nature.   I do not believe that your Baker edition is different in content (speaking of Thayer's wording) from my Zondervan edition  --  not one word will be different.   I gave you my address and mentioned that I would be glad to repay for any expenses. 
In this defintion,  Thayer writes  "  [telos nomou Christos]  Christ has brought the law to an end."   This agrees with the Z defintion you presented the other night, just before you went to bed. 

Thayer does say, "the end to which all things relate, the aim, purpose." Therefore, either you are misunderstanding him or quoting him out of context for your own "end" (pun intended). :-) 
Yes, Thayer does say this as he discusses  I Tim 1:5  !!!!!!!!!!!!!  
If you are being honest, here,  then you are putting too much stock on your Internet sources.  
The long and the short of it is this  ----   I am quoting Thayer and you are not. 

Thayer link: 
JD wrote: 
> As it turns out, you are the first to quote to me 
> some authoritative comment that challenges what 
> I have "known" for some 35 years or so. 
> I appreciate this [your] additional reference. 
I'm glad you appreciate it, but you should know that I would quote many more references for you if you were not so a dversarial and made it such a chore to discuss the opinion of scholars. 
I will ignore the character assessment crap. 
JD wrote: 
> Their comments could be considered as diametrically 
> opposed to Thayer's .......... Thayer actually denying 
> what Rogers and Rogers allow. I do respect both opinions. 
Thayer offers the same definition of telos as aim or purpose, so I suspect you simply do not understand the context of wherever you got that quote from Thayer. 
Actually your Z quote, VII as I remember,  speaks of the end of the law,  David.   Your implication that I am making up my quotation of Thayer is dishonest and I must believe that you know this.    I have the book  (Thayer's lexicon) open to "telos" right here,  about 14 inches from my left elbow.    You have no such source !!
And  --  on the outside bet that you do have a Thayer's lexicon in your study,  then you are the one who is misrepresenting his work. 
Perhaps Lance can find a copy of Thayer, published by Baker.   I would be more than happy to purchase the book. 

Peace be with you. 
David Miller.  
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org 
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