This progress toward eternal life is a matter of achieving perfection. Living all the commandments guarantees total forgiveness of sins and assures one of exaltation through that perfection which comes by complying with the formula the Lord gave us. In his Sermon on the Mount he made the command to all men: 'Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.' (Matt.. 5:48) Being perfect means to triumph over sin. This is a mandate from the Lord. He is just and wise and kind. He would never require anything from his children which was not for their benefit and which was not attainable. Perfection therefore is an achievable goal."

(Spencer Kimball, Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles, p. 386).


Are you progressing?

Have you TRIUMPHED Yet?

It is a Mandate!

You must LIVE ALL of the commandments (not just talk - but walk!)

Have you achieved perfection yet, as it is an achievable goal?


Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DAVEH:   It seems to me that in whatever way God is perfect, or complete.....that is what we have the potential to become, and have been commanded to do so.   Do you agree, Perry?



from teloV - telos 5056; complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); neuter (as noun, with 3588) completeness:--of full age, man, perfect.

    Do you believe God has not commanded you to be sinless?  Or...that he does not want you to be sinless?  I believe that is what God wants of us, and has commanded us to be so.  If we keep that commandment, then it does seem we would be perfect/complete as he is.  Do you disagree, Perry?

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

  I understand that in 1611 "perfect" meant what "complete" means today.
So, what if you re-read that verse in today's language?

If you have a Strong's dictionary, read the definition for "perfect" (greek 5046). After reading it, do you still think this is a commandment to be "perfect" as in "sinless", or, "without flaw"? If so, why?


DAVEH:   If that is not possible, then why the commandment to do so?  Mt 5:48........

*Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.*

.........Doesn't it seem odd to have a commandment that is not obtainable?

 Dave Hansen
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