Perhaps it is a problem with "KEEP COMMANDMENTS"?

KEEP: not to lose or part with, to fulfill; to perform; as, to keep one's word,promise or covenant.


D&C 25:15 Keep my commandments continually, and a crown of righteousness thou shalt receive. And except thou do this, where I am you cannot come.

Gospel Principles states, "To make our repentance complete we must keep the commandments of the Lord" (1992 ed., p.125).

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What do your deeds show?

DAVEH:   I don't want them to show anything, Kevin.    I consider doing such to be somewhat like the Lord's advice in Mt 6:1......So, I'll leave it for you to make such claims, and if you wish to think less of me for my reluctance to proclaim such deeds, that's your privilege.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
So since you DO NOT keep them does that mean you do not really love, only in word?
When is your walk gonna start matching your talk?
Talk is cheap, does not cost you a thing.
1 JN 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.


What do your deeds show?

We aren't always able to keep even those two.

DAVEH:   Perhaps you have overlooked the Lord's comment in Jn 14:1......

If you ye love me, keep my commandments.

.......which to me indicates that loving God implies becoming sinless.    No Terry, I don't think you overlooked it, but rather I suspect you have a much different understanding about it than me.  The problem you indicate above is only relative to this mortal life.  From my perspective, mortality is a training ground (so to speak) for our eternal destiny.  Though it may not be possible for some to become perfect in this life, I don't see any restriction for perfection to be achieved in the next life.  The exception being our past sins preventing us from being spotless.  That's why we need to be cleansed by the blood of Christ.  

Terry Clifton wrote:
Good mornin', Dave.  You might want to consider that the Jews were given a whole sack full of commands, and not one Jew with the exception of Jesus was ever able to keep them.  We Gentile Christians were given two commands.  We aren't always able to keep even those two. Who has ever loved their neighbor as themself 24/7 without a slip?  Who has even loved God with all their heart without once in a while putting the desires of self ahead of the desires of God?  We need a Savior!  Real bad!  Without Him, we can do nothing.
Enjoy your breakfast.

Dave wrote:
DAVEH:   If that is not possible, then why the commandment to do so?  Mt 5:48........

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

.........Doesn't it seem odd to have a commandment that is not obtainable?

And you will never be as perfect as the Heavenly Father,


 Dave Hansen
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