Lance is not in any battle....
may Peace & Safety reign in Canaduh

Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>One cannot but grow weary of the pedantic, repetetive anti-Mormon diatribes
>put forward by CPL and others.Lance,

My argument is not with is with Satan...and Dave is our
messenger boy. If you are put off by my continually pointing out the
incongruent, occultic, and heretical nature or mormonism, then, as you say,
you can hit the delete key. On the other hand, if I happen to hit on that
one thing that causes Dave to open up enough to the truth to hear the Holy
Spirit, would you not be cheering with the rest of us Christians?

Furthermore, Satan (through Dave) has repeatedly issued a grand insult to
all on this forum who are Christians, and all but a few have let it pass. He
continually says, "I am not here to learn the truth...I am here to learn
what protestants think". I am sure you are astute enough to see the grand
insult in this statement. So, if Dave is here to place Christianity under
Satan's magnifying glass, then I am here to counter that by placing
mormonism under God's magnifying glass. This, Lance, is indeed a battle for
the Truth, and where else could we better wage this battle than on
"TruthTalk"? See Jude 1:3.


"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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