I call Lies, Lies; disagreements are just that.
I don't care if it dampens anything A Lie is a lie and I will call it so.
JD & I have many disagreements It has been some time since I have called him a liar before.
Again it was on occasion of him LYING. I will not remain silent in the face of Lies.
He has pulled this one before he attributes beliefs he knows full well I DO NOT BELIEVE
I have dealt with this LIE on at least one occasion before so he can not claim IGNORANCE!
(before you go there: Please do not attempt to imply I do such to you. I post LDS leadwers quotes from Church manuals & books I do not post DH quotes eg "DH believes".)
Here is ONE of the lies, I cut N paste it from below.
"inspired text !!  "
Another straw man AND ANOTHER one of your LIES and I am getting pretty sick of your LYING
Please provide one qoute from me saying any such thing, LIAR!

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:   Forgive me for jumping into the fray, Kevin.....but I'm rather curious.  Why do you feel the need to call one who may disagree with you a LIAR when he is trying to have a meaningful discussion with you?  Does such an acrid term not dampen the spirit of the discussion?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
"You believe that the original manuscripts have been lost"


Do you have them?   ROTFL!

The scholars have been looking for them in the meantime they must RECONSTRUCT the supposed TEXT!

"inspired text !!  "
Another straw man AND ANOTHER one of your LIES and I am getting pretty sick of your LYING
Please provide one qoute from me saying any such thing, LIAR!
"All of your information comes from web sites written and supervised by KJVonlyists." 
Pretty sweeping allegations for a LIAR!
Even if I was a total copy cat (and I am not) so what!  
Does that NEGATE the issues raised?
Apparaently you just have FAITH with NO Facts against the issue.
Issues that you are incapable of refuting except by inuendo misrepresentation and LIES?
because you do not believe there are any MSS  that are not from Satan's pit.  
That has got to be the STUPIDEST statement I have ever heard!
What about the Majority of MSS? DUH Your loosing it.
Of course there are variations.   But that is not the issue, is it.   You believe that the original manuscripts have been lost,   and that God gave the KJV to the modern church as an inspired text !!   For you and your buds,   it is not a translation.   So you reject any and all textual comparisons or studies.   All of your information comes from web sites written and supervised by KJVonlyists.   Those are the ugly facts, my friend.    The King James is an inspired TEXT.  That's why you ridicule all who appeal to textual criticism   --  because you do not believe there are any MSS  that are not from Satan's pit.  
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Deegan <openairmission@yahoo.com>
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 19:44:30 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [TruthTalk] Oldest & most CORRECTED MSS

"The Codex Sinaiticus has been corrected by so many hands that it affords a most
interesting and intricate problem to the palaeographer who wishes to disentangle
the various stages by which it has reached its present condition?" Kirsopp Lake,
Codex Sinaiticus - New Testament volume; page xvii of the introduction
This from a PROponent?
Tischendorf said he "counted 14,800 alterations and corrections in Sinaiticus."
Alterations, more alterations, and more alterations were made, and in fact, most of
them are believed to be made in the 6th and 7th centuries.
Tischendorf inspected the document and said "On nearly every page of the manuscript
there are corrections and revisions, done by 10 different people."
Tischendorf "?the New Testament?is extremely unreliable?on many occasions 10, 20,
30, 40, words are dropped?letters, words even whole sentences are frequently
written twice over, or begun and immediately canceled. That gross blunder, whereby
a clause is omitted because it happens to end in the same word as the clause
preceding, occurs no less than 115 times in the New Testament."
Kirsopp Lake says there were three groups and even a four groups of correctors
that altered the codex. First, there were the "post Caesarean" possibly even those
"at the monastery of St. Catherine?s on Mt. Sinai." Second, there were "the
intermediate correctors, of which certainly the earliest, and possibly all belonged
to Caesarea. They are probably no earlier than the fifth nor later than the seventh
century." Third, there are the early correctors, all probably "belonging to the
forth and certainly no later than the fifth century." Finally, the latest
correctors altered the manuscript probably in the twelfth century.
Maybe this is where the saying came from?
Too many cooks spoil the broth

Dave Hansen
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