----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin Deegan
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: 11/17/2005 8:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] corrector/revisor

Truth is not a problem
but it just seems SO ELUSIVE around here on TT
cd: Thus said the starving man at the feast: "There is no food anywhere" to the people as they sit quitely eating.

DAVEH:   I don't think the truth would give enemies aid and comfort, do you?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
could it be called then aid & comfort to the enemies of the gospel?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:   What other conclusion would make sense?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Do you feel this gives support to your belief that the bible is correct as far as it is translated correctly?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not sure what you are asking.

DAVEH:   It seems to me that when somebody feels an existing translation is inadequate, they feel compelled to come up with another.  In another post today, you mentioned........

Those two manuscripts disagree with each other over 2000 times in the gospels alone!

...........So, I'm suggesting (perhaps rhetorically) you should be asking those who are promoting the newer translations how much they feel the KJV is translated correctly.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Not sure what you are asking.
The post was a response to Dean so it was addressed to him.

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:   Shouldn't you be asking that question of all those who feel the need for another translation subsequent to the KJV?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
How much is Translated correctly?

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
look at poor DavH. He is so confused because of this very thing

DAVEH:   Yes....look at me.  I'm the one who said I believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it has been translated correctly.  When I posted that, it brought a lot of criticism. 

Dean Moore wrote:
cd: When someone removes the words of Jesus Christ that is more then a translation error-Take Kevin test with the NASV and see for yourself. The OT shows the words in prophecy are there-stating that Christ would say the very word that were removed-something stinks with this. Our entire battle while street preaching is over getting the correct words of the Bible into the world to clear the confusion-this is what Satan has fought us hard on-We lose brothers doing this very thing but they go to a better place. The question one needs to ask themselves is why would  be removed in the first place. The only reason my NASV isn't in the trash can is for the purpose of showing these errors. All cults have also changed those words to the destruction of many-look at poor DavH. He is so confused because of this very thing that he thinks he can believe in the words of Smith and still be a Bible believer. Yet Smith stated in 1 Nephi 13:29 because of these thi ngs whi ch are taking away out of the gospel of the Lamb ,an excee dingly great many do stumble,yea,insomuch that Satan hath great power over them. These other versions prove that his words to be true but the KJV is in agreement from the OT to the NT proving that nothing was taken out-it is the only one to resist Smith who is actually saying that because of the bible people go to hell. I thanked God for Kevin last night for showing me this and I will mention it to Him this morning-God willing I live to do so.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.langlitz.com  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six email lists...  JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,  STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.

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