DAVEH:   Do you believe Jesus is fully God now?

Judy Taylor wrote:
My belief DaveH is that according to scripture the Godhead consists of God the Father, God the Word,
and God the Holy Spirit.  The man Jesus is God the Word who by the eternal Spirit was born into a body of
flesh and blood in the likeness of man.  I have never stated that Jesus during his earthly ministry was "fully
God" because scripture tells us that He (Jesus) layed aside the glory He had with the Father and emptied
Himself so that He might come here as an example for us of how we should walk.  If He came as "fully God"
then being conformed to His Image would be an impossibility for us mere mortals since God is transcendent. 
But He knows our frame.  judyt 
On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 23:00:30 -0800 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
DAVEH:   Do you believe Jesus is currently fully God?  I'm rather interested in knowing when you think Jesus became fully God, Judy.  My reason for asking is because I'd like to know if you think there is (or was) ever a time when one could view the face of Jesus and live, rather than die IF they had seen God's face.   Does that make sense, Judy?   I'm just trying to sort out in my mind what and how you perceive God and Jesus being one, and being fully God.  (I think I may be making this question more complicated than necessary....sorry if that's the case.)

Judy Taylor wrote:
Not in the way that you do DaveH, but then my understanding of God the Father differs from yours also
so I'm sure this does not surprise you.  Apart from out and out athiests everyone has a God that
they believe to be the real one and noone will be validated until we stand before Jesus himself and he
tells us which side we are to go to.. 
Dave Hansen
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