Dave:I got censured this very morning, in the name of Jesus mind you, for essentially concurring with your take on the 'intent' of the anti-Mormons who frequent TT. You are wise to sidestep their non-sincere questions.I think CPL et al actually believe that in peppering you with a plethora of 'did you not beating your wife' questions, that you will 'see the light'. By the way, concerning your wife........... 
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: November 20, 2005 11:52
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] corrector/revisor - TT'ers

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

Thanks for answering at least one of the several questions I asked below.

Your silence on the others speaks volumes.
DAVEH:   What speaks volumes is that I will answer the same questions coming from another who is more sincere in their asking.

The fact that you use the KJV does not speak highly for the JST.
DAVEH:   That I am a member of TT probably does not speak highly for Mormonism.

If I "knew" that a prophet had written an inspired version I would use no other, especially not a version that I believed to have errors, and, furthermore, one in which I could not tell where the errors are!!! That shows a severe lack of faith in the prophet!
DAVEH:  Nonsense, Perry.   Like I inferred about about the KJV/JST......using that logic, being a member of TT shows a severe lack of faith in the prophet!

Perhaps since JS was "inspired" to add words to the bible he is a false prophet. Or, perhaps his inspiration did not come from above, but from the father of lies. Or, perhaps he just retranslated the KJV to support the tales he was telling.
DAVEH:  Perhaps you are just trying to denigrate my beliefs.

And some wonder why I think JS was a huckster and mormonism is a false religion.
DAVEH:  I'm not one of the some, Perry.



Charles Perry Locke wrote:

Apples and Oranges.

Why do the mormons use the KJV if they believe it has translation errors?

How do they know which verses are translated incorrectly?

Why does the Joseph Smith Translation (JST) of the NT contain words that are not in the greek manuscripts?

How come most mormons do not use the JST? (Maybe some do, but I have never met a mormon or mormon missionary that uses or quotes to me from the JST! Are they trying to dupe me by using a faulty translation, the KJV? Do they know it is faulty? Do they really believe that it is?)

If the KJV is translated incorrectly, why does the book of Mormon contain entire chapters and verses copied verbatim from the KJV? Were the translation errors copied, too?

DAVEH:   I'm not going to respond to your above questions, Perry.  I suspect your intention is only to denigrate my beliefs.

Dave, do you use the KJV or the JST?


   I'll pass on answering your below questions for the same reason as given above.

Dave, if you use the KJV, how do you know which sections are translated incorrectly? What is your gold standard for determining this? If you say "the greek", then you are revealing your lack of faith in the "inspired" nature of the JST, since it totally disagrees with "the greek" in may areas!!

Dave, if you use the JST, how do you account for the fact that JS added words to verses, like John 1:1, that change the meaning of the verse, but have no support in the Greek text?

Check out this site for details and examples: http://www.irr.org/mit/Joseph-Smith-Translation-short.html

I will not entertain a comparison at all between the JST and the KJV, or ANY sincere modern translation. Joseph Smith is a charlatan, and his works, alternate translations, plaigerisms, inventions, have absolutely no authority in my life, and his translation and other creations mean nothing to me other than yet more evidence of his misguided deception, and have no bearing on translation differences between sincere modern versions. Apples and Oranges.


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