Do you make these idiotic statements just to get attention? 
He is dancing on Q ->
There is no end to defending myself  -- so I won't get started.   If the context of my statements do not resolve the issues,  nothing else I will say could possibly help.    Please note, however, that nothing in what I said is untrue   --  nothing in what I said is actually refuted.   Elementary recess conversation is all we have here.   :--) Jd 

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lance Muir wrote:
How can one person be so consistantly wrong?  Do you make these idiotic statements just to get attention?  No one misses Debbie or Jonathan.  No one understands G.  John doesn't quite know what he believes and Bill has no ability to communicate with anyone who does not have umpteen degrees.   All in all, you are a real flaky bunch.  The temptation is to suggest that you all go somewhere and form your own self admiration society, but then I have to remember that God says to love you anyway, so hang around.  Maybe we can work it out.

To David Miller:
What BJ (Bishop John) said herein is that which I was getting at re: your visit to 'the campus'. I suspect you already know that as we've spoken of it previously. 
IMO, this 'conversation' falls into the same category as so many 'exchanges' do on TT. Persons just share polarized opinions of a matter whilst imbedding their comments (I'm not referring to you here, John) with inflammatory language. I once employed the subject 'my theology can beat up your theology'. Much of TT is comprised of 'schoolyard' language.
On the other hand, 'G' possesses the 'gift of concision' ; Bill is an exegete/theologian of the first order, the 'bishop' exemplifies thoughtful passion, while 'the David' illustrates the limitations of an extremely smart/talented self-taught person. (Too bad we've lost the likes of Jonathan, Caroline & Debbie) 

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