now my character is being questioned

DAVEH:   Golly Dean.....I don't recall anybody questioning your character.  I think we all pretty well understand your character by the nature of the posts you've been making.

Dean Moore wrote:
cd: Terry such things should never be among our conversations as a part of the body-I will not accept such-nor allow someone to speak such to my wife. I am from the south here we have chivalry-such thing are not done-nor will we allow a women to be mistreated in our presence.If being this way is an excuse for my enemies to attack my character by portraying me as violent-then I count it as gain. DavH knew it was wrong to take the conversation deeper in the area of sex while speaking to someones wife but the lust of the flesh led him on-that is the truth of the matter-It would be great gain for his master to cause a Christian to dwell in such areas -that is what happened -same as he tried last year. He asks what would Jesus do? Well how would Jesus have responded to DavH's question?Would Jesus have asked such a question in the first place? Yes crap stinks when stirred but now my character is being questioned and I view you as one the one's questioning my character. I have even challenged to a grappling match-and now I am su ppose to bring my wife-I do not take my wife around people who allow women to be spoken to in such a manner as they may do the same to her-seems that no decent women should be around people like you or John.That means I wouldn't take my wife around you either-in my book wrong manners isn't good manners.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/27/2005 12:08:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Terry, let me put it in perspective for you.

I promise, Dean, I will never knowingly justify the wicked.  I also apologize for being harsh with you in the message below.
  I do ask that you reconsider your statement that I am defending Dave.  He is well able to defend himself.  I was simply voicing my opinion, telling you that I think both you and Perry are going ballistic over something that would have better been ignored.
cd: Well Terry if I were in the wrong I might just take your advice-But one shouldn't justify the wicked as both are guilty before God.Daves mind was in the gutters-similar to last time when he asked Izzy about her underclothing she has just finished shopping for-Do you think I make decisions on just one incident? This is the second and I also stopped the first last year. But you just keep on defending him-no matter what filth comes from his mouth and at the same time those who say it is wrong just continue attacking their character-I will forgive you but I will also bound this over for a higher court-your choice?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/27/2005 10:58:55 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Terry, let me put it in perspective for you.

Consider this! You constantly stirrinf the pot and pretending to know how I think may be the biggest problem of all. I suggest you put your brain in gear before opening your mouth.

cd: It is not your point that is the problem-the problem is that Terry
don't want to get you point-Dave is a gentleman in Terry's eyes and no
matter what DavH does it is seen as how a gentleman is suppose to act-even
of asking married women about their sex life-or hinting that others know
izzy intimily.Remember DavH is Terrys brother and one stands by his
brother-right or wrong.It is a shame that Terry over looks Izzy as a sister
that should be helped when the shark attacks by throwing filth her way:-(


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