9,000 pages of his Dogmatic
Barth can say less with more words than any man I know!

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bill writes: "It will take many years, I'm sure, before Barth will be allowed to speak for himself to the conservative community. In the meantime Evangelical Christians will be missing out on one of the greatest voices the Church has ever known.
I'm curious about what you find so great Bill...  What does Barth say in the more than 9,000 pages of his Dogmatic that we can not learn through the grace and mercy of God from His Own Word?  Was Barth inspired or misguided in his belief that the "task of theology is to unfold the revealed word attested in the Bible" when Jesus' own Words teach us that this is the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who believe and follow Him?
The very size of the Dogmatics.
Mascall said that it takes so much time to read this theologian of the word that no time is left to read the Word itself. His (Barth's) style is majestic, and difficult.
From 1932 to 1967 he (Barth) worked on his Church Dogmatics, a multivolume work that was unfinished at his death. It consists of 13 parts in four volumes, running altogether to more than 9,000 pages. Although he changed some of his early positions, he continued to maintain that the task of theology is to unfold the revealed word attested in the Bible, and that there is no place for natural theology or the influence of non-Christian religions. His theology depended on a distinction between the Word (i.e., God's self-revelation as concretely manifested in Christ) and religion.

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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