Judy said'For the record, I don't believe that C. S. Lewis
actually knew the Lord'
Lance, having made an incorrect leap in logic,due to a
belief that Judy believed that persons who die while not knowing the
Lord (Lewis is dead), go to hell, thought she'd so consigned him. I suspect
that the operative word herein is 'consigned'. Let me then remove this word
and, ask Judy the following questions:
1. Do you stand by your assessment that csl did not 'know'
(define please) the Lord?
Yes I do and if you are scandalized by CSL Lance, I
would say the same about Augustine, Athanasius and Calvin who called himself
an "Augustinian theologian" ... They were not following the example
Christ left for us either by
hunting down and killing heretics. Do you think
the "culture of their day" will excuse them? I can't imagine having to
stand in front of the Lord in that day and say "But Lord, I hunted down and killed all of these heretics in your name" (as
per Matt 7:21) Tell me, is this doing the will of
the Father? Is this following Jesus' example? Will He say "Well
done thou good and faithful servant?"
2. Should you be correct then, WHERE IS CSL? (employ some
biblical interpretation, please)
CSL has gone to spend eternity with the one he served
and the Lord Himself will make that determination by either accepting or
rejecting him on that day.
thanks, Lance