Ya know Kevin, one can never fail to appreciate the thoughtfulness that goes into your responses. What about the US economy, other than the overpriced stock market, would you tend to highlite?
PS:I've got few illusions about Canada. Can you say the same concerning your country? Does anyone want to help this poor boy out or, is he just a jingoist?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: December 10, 2005 08:48
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Happy holidays, seasons greetings, X-mas

Upset? No! Why? USA is a secular republic NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION! More pagans means more people with whom to share/live the gospel.
With that reasoning we should all move to the most Pagan nation for "more people with whom to share/live the gospel."
(3 million manufacturing jobs lost since 2003 and many, many more to come).
Pretty soon the USA will be a Third Rate nation like Canada has always been.

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Upset? No! Why? USA is a secular republic NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION! More pagans means more people with whom to share/live the gospel.

What then ought one to be taking note of? How 'bout China/India. They,
Terry, are the ones suppling the mdse for the aforementioned stores. No more 'made in the USA! (3 million manufacturing jobs lost since 2003 and many, many more to come).

----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: December 10, 2005 08:20
Subject: [TruthTalk] Happy holidays, seasons greetings, X-mas

> We have been watching the news lately, plus getting some stuff by e-mail,
> and it seems that the world we once knew is no longer to be found. It is
> bad enough when all the big merchants, such as Wal Mart, Sears, Target and
> home depot stop advertising Christmas sales and start advertising "Holiday
> sales". When you walk in the stores you are greeted by salespeople with
> "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons greetings". Target stores went so far as to
> run the Salvation army off it's property. No buckets or bell ringers
> there anymore.
> This sounds like where the preachers and banners proclaiming Christ should
> be, but then you must remember that the reason these stores are there is
> not to proclaim Christ, but to make money. If they mentioned Christ mas,
> it would only be lip service.
> Besides that, we need to get the beam out of our own eye before we try to
> remove the speck from their's. It seems that since Christmas falls on
> Sunday this year, that many churches will not have services "So that
> people can spend time with their families". That, to me, is soooo stupid.
> Why not take the family to church? What am I missing here?
> The words of Jesus keep running through my mind. "If you do not love me
> more than mother or father, sister or brother (Family), you cannot be
> Mine.
> Do the rest of you get worked up or nauseous over this? Is there
> something here I don't see? Am I too critical? Your thoughts?
> Terry
> ----------
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