Church leaders called upon one of its great intellects to make sure the temple was astrologically aligned:
"In 1878, a plan of the Temple’s exterior walls was purposely drafted to plot the exact location of each of the fifty moon-stones according to lunar phase, month and year. This was determined by observations made that year in anticipation of the next season’s building program when the moon-stones were to be laid. The individual most capable of such an observation was Orson Pratt…In 1869, an astronomical observatory of wood and adobe was constructed specifically for him on the southeast corner of the Temple Block…" Hamilton and Cuturbus, pp. 142,143.
Salt Lake temple:
  1. All-seeing-eye – an eye in a triangle surrounded by rays of light – like an Egyptian symbol of Herupaar-Kraat, the Widget Eye. Heru was the hawk-headed lord of Satanic power.
  2. Masonic handshakes.
  3. Suns – symbols of the ancient sungod, Ba’al, the archrival of the true Biblical god, Yahweh (I Kings 18 and elsewhere).
  4. Moon phases – symbols of the witch goddess, Diana or Artemis, the queen of heaven. The dark phases of the Moon are for black magick, the full phases of the Moon for white magick.
  5. Upright pentagrams (5-pointed star) – the universal symbol of witchcraft and the goddess. Its richness in meaning is far too lengthy to detail here. Suffice it to say that there is no single symbol more associated with magick.
  6. Big Dipper constellation (Ursa Major) – all constellations have magickal significance. This one was sacred to the ancient Egyptian worship of Set (the Egyptian god of evil) and was used by Set’s votaries to determine the dime of his ascendancy.
  7. Inverted pentagrams (single point down) – universally regarded as an evil symbol, many witches will not use it because it is used to call down the power of Satan!  (Also found on the Logan temple & Nauvoo.) Eleven large inverted pentagrams decorated the Nauvoo Temple.
  8. Hexagram – (6 pointed star within a circle), though sometimes associated with Judaism, this star when within a circle is the symbol of the anti-Christ. It has 6 points, 6 angles, and an interior polygon of 6 sides – hence the perfect symbol of 666. all over the Assembly Hall. And it exists in a stronger form on the Logan temple: inverted, with two points up.
Do you approve of Satanic Symbols on your Temples?
SaltLake17.gif (66863 bytes)
Church History Musuem
S L Temple

Blainerb:   "These are they whose bodies are celestial, whose glory is that of the sun,  even the glory of God, the highest of all, whose glory the sun of the firmament is written of as being typical." D&C  76:70
In a message dated 12/9/2005 7:01:58 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I thought the same thing - this looks like what we used to call in Australia a golliwog.  jt
On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 07:53:46 -0600 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kevin Deegan wrote:
temple stone!
I had kinda pictured God in my mind as having a little different hair do.  Are you certain this is Him?

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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