YES I'd like for you to post the 'newer' material

DAVEH:  I'm not fond of borrowing material from another forum to post in its entirety, but I find Court Watch's comments from another forum in which I lurk to be interesting to ponder, Lance........

Court Watch wrote:

Subject: [Grace-to-you] To Sandra: This One's For You!
If I understand it correctly, the Protestant view of what we call the "Fall" in the Garden of Eden need not have occurred.  It was possible for Adam and Eve to always obey God and, if they had done so, the human race could have continued in a state of primal innocence.  For the sake of argument, let's suppose that the first couple had remained obedient and sinless.  All of their offspring would be born in the same condition, but each of them would also then face the choice of whether to obey God or not.  (Presumably, Satan could have been very creative in thinking up various ways to put them to the test.)  
The odds are overwhelming that at least some of these offspring would fall into sin, although others might not.  The sinful ones would then pass this fallen condition onto their children, who would become the inheritors of their parents' "original" sin and guilt.  These people would stand in need of the redemption and atonement for sin later offered by Christ, and might become inclined to do all sorts of wicked things. 
But the ones descended from sinless parents, who also did not sin themselves, would not.  They would have no need of salvation as long as they remained perfectly virtuous. 
If this could happen at all, I don't see why it couldn't go on indefinitely.  The human race would then have two basic lines of development, but what a curious situation this would be.  It's a safe bet that the two groups would be in constant conflict with each other.  When it finally came, the gospel message to the sinful group would be: "You need to repent and be saved."  The message to the sinlessly perfect group would be: "Don't worry, you're fine just the way you are." 
Now, it's safe to assume that the sinful group might come to outnumber the sinless group, if only by virtue of their ability to procreate more naturally sinful people.  On the other hand, the sinless folks would go on living forever on earth since they would not be subject to physical death.  That sounds nice at first, but at least some of the sinful people would probably repent and be saved, so that while their death was inevitable, so too was the possibility that they would go to heavenly glory upon dying. 
Who would then be better off--the perfect people or the saved sinners?  Which is better, a permanent existence on earth, or eternity in a heavenly state?  Once word got out that forgiven sinners could go to a higher plane of existence and remain there forever, wouldn't the perfect people be inclined to say: "This business of obeying God is all very well and good, but I think I'd be better off if I sinned and then repented of it so I can go to heaven instead!"  
If that all sounds far fetched, that's only because it is--but then, so is much of what passes for "Christian" theology about original sin.  In light of the above considerations, why is the LDS view of a "necessary" Fall (and one that didn't take God by surprise) so outrageous?  God knew exactly what would happen with Adam and Eve, and it was just what he had in mind all along.  And if that's not the case, then you are required to believe things that are much more absurd than the "some sinless and some sinful" scenario described above. 
Things like:
Unbaptized infants spend eternity in hell.  St. Augustine certainly believed it, and he's the hero of Catholics and Calvinists alike.  After all, if original sin and guilt are inherited, why should babies get a free pass?  And if we think they're innocent, maybe that's only because we're guilty ourselves.  God's justice is infinite, and so is his wrath.  If the tykes haven't been "born again" they're out of luck. 
Some people have been predestined to be saved, while others have been predestined by God to spend eternity in hell, and there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it.  Why not?  Because God is sovereign and that's the way he wants it.  Case closed.  If you're smart, you'll at least pretend to be sure that you're predestined to be one of the saved--and hope you're right.  (Hint: vilifying Mormons is regarded as a sure sign that you're saved, so do it as often as possible.) 
The vast majority of the human race will spend eternity in hell anyway, because they never made a decision for ChristThis includes all those who have never even heard of Christ, from 33 A. D. right up to the present.  They also haven't been "born again" and they never will be.  If that sounds harsh, just remember that it isn't God's fault that it took 20 centuries to invent television and the Benny Hinn Show.  Those who have access to a TV set now at least have half a chance, but the rest are still hopelessly doomed. 
Eternal security of the believer.  Once you're saved, you're always saved--whether you like it or not.  Since there is nothing you can do to lose your salvation, there's nothing you can't do while not worrying about it.  The possibilities are endless and don't require much thought.  Have fun!  And if anyone dares to refer to you as a "carnal Christian" because of your antics, just tell them that Christ died to pay the price for your sins, and you're just making sure that you get your money's worth.  (If they still aren't convinced, they have probably been visited by Mormon missionaries so you are free to ignore anything they say.) 
And why is it that Protestants (Catholics too--don't mean to leave them out) think that Mormon theology is erroneous?  I give up on that one.
Well. . .in so far as any of this makes sense, you can thank Sandra Tanner.  These ideas came to me after reading her contrast of the Mormon view of the Fall vs. the dyed-in-the-wool true believer version she subscribes to.  And if none of it makes sense, let's just go ahead and blame. . .er, uh, I mean, "thank" Sandra anyway.  I'm a big believer in giving credit where credit is due.

............There are a few things about this I found particularly interesting, and highlighted them, such as.......

"This business of obeying God is all very well and good, but I think I'd be better off if I sinned and then repented of it so I can go to heaven instead!"


God knew exactly what would happen with Adam and Eve, and it was just what he had in mind all along.  And if that's not the case, then you are required to believe things that are much more absurd than the "some sinless and some sinful" scenario described above.


This includes all those who have never even heard of Christ, from 33 A. D. right up to the present.  They also haven't been "born again" and they never will be.  If that sounds harsh, just remember that it isn't God's fault that it took 20 centuries to invent television and the Benny Hinn Show.  Those who have access to a TV set now at least have half a chance, but the rest are still hopelessly doomed.

............I will be interested in hearing what you think about the above material, Lance.

Lance Muir wrote:
This IS the sort of thing I was looking for. YES I'd like for you to post the 'newer' material.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: December 09, 2005 02:34
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject--A&E

DAVEH:  Sorry to take so long getting back to you on this, Lance.   While I can give you a longer version than before, I certainly can't give you all the details, as I have neither the time (I do need some sleep!) nor the knowledge.  But.......

    As you must know, I believe God created us spiritually prior to the creation of the world.  IOW....we were spirit beings in a pre-mortal existence.  It is my belief that God the Father consists of a spirit housed in a physical body.  He created us as spirit beings, with the intent that we could (if we desire and are obedient) become not only one with him, but also perfect (complete, as Perry would suggest) as he is perfect.

    That basic process is known by LDS folks as eternal progression....effectively progressing from a created spirit being to one who is like God.  As has been often quoted, one LDS authority said.......

As man is, God once was.  As God is, man may become.

.........which is a catchy phrase that tends to excite many Christians, yet it implies the thinking of many LDS folks who believe we have the potential to become like God....IFF we so desire to fulfill our potential to become one with the Lord by being obedient to him.  Those who do so, bring glory to the Lord.  Those who don't will suffer damnation (hell) to some extent, by impeding their eternal progression.

    In order that the spirit beings in the pre-mortal existence can progress to the point of gaining a glorified resurrected body of flesh and bone, as the Savior now has, it was necessary for us to be born into a world created perfectly, so to speak.  Adam and Eve were created as immortals, and as such were incapable of death.  Not only that, but they were incapable of understanding the difference between good and evil....they were innocent.  Yes, they were pure and undefiled, but yet they were also naive in their innocence.....quite unlike God who knows the difference between good and evil.

    By placing the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden, and then commanding them not to eat of that tree, explaining that they would die IF they partook of the forbidden fruit, God made it possible for them to not only gain the knowledge needed to become like him, but he also provided a way they could shed their bodies of flesh and dying, which separates the spirit from the body.

    In partaking of the forbidden fruit, not only did A&E subject themselves to the possibility of physical death (which we define as the separation of the spirit from the physical body), but they also were separated from God.....which we define as spiritual death.    In essence, this resulted in A&E experiencing two forms of hell....first the separation from God, and second being returned to the state of a spirit being, without the ability to overcome that deficit.  Hence, they would remain in that eternal state of damnation forever, if it were not for God's plan of salvation.

    That plan of salvation was prepared before the foundation of the world, and Jesus was chosen to implement it.  God prepared his Son to be a perfect sacrifice to atone for A&E's (and all of mankind's) transgressions.  Not only that, but the Son he foreordained to save us from our (specifically, A&E's in this instance) sins also was able to overcome physical death in a process we know as the resurrection.  Neither of these impediments to our progression were things we could overcome on our own though.  We had to have a Savior do that for us.  Due to his resurrection, all will be resurrected and gain an immortal physical body.  Due to his atonement, all will have the opportunity to have their sins remitted and return to heaven IF they so desire and are willing to be obedient to the Lord's commandments.  That is why it is through his grace that we are saved.......nothing we could do on our own could accomplish that salvation.  Once Jesus fulfilled that mantle of salvation (both physical and spiritual), the only thing standing between us and God is ourselves.  Effectively.......We can either keep the commandments, and return to the Lord in heaven, or we can eschew them and suffer damnation (impedance) to our eternal progression.

    I hope that answers your query, Lance.  If you want a slightly deeper (and different) view of the Fall, I can post an interesting perspective of the Fall that was recently posted to an LDS Forum.....just let me know if that appeals to you.

Lance Muir wrote:
I would appreciate the longer explanation so as not to confuse those less informed about Mormon/Christian distinctives.
When you speak of 'god', I'd appreciate you supplying the 'god history'. When you speak of  jesus (your jesus), I'd appreciate you giving us real Mormon teaching. And on....
PLEASE SUPPLY THE REAL DEAL! I'm quite serious on this, Dave.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: December 06, 2005 02:57
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject--A&E

will you kindly tell all of us how you, as a Mormon, understand these events?

DAVEH:  Getting into that will likely just get Perry excited again, Lance!   But....that has not worried me too much in the past.....

    Let me give you the short explanation.  I believe God intended A&E to transgress.  Why?  For several reasons. learn the difference between good and evil.  If God did not want A&E to know about evil, why did he allow Satan to exist in the paradise we know as the Garden of Eden?  The world was not yet in a fallen state, yet Satan seemed to have free reign....

    Second, I believe mortality is an important step in what LDS folks call eternal progression.  Without the step of mortality, our progression back to heaven is effectively stopped.  We consider it to be damnation.

    Third, LDS theology suggests that had A&E not transgressed, they would not have been able to have had children.  Just imagine the situation that would occur IFF A&E had not transgressed, yet had descendants who would have transgressed.

    We know that Jesus was foreordained to be our Savior before A&E even existed.  (I assume you agree with that premise.)  To me, that is a good indication that God knew what A&E would do when tempted by Satan.  He then set the stage for that event to happen, so that the plan of salvation could unfold in a manner that God planned and intended.

    We all know what did happen.  It is my belief that God intended it to happen that way.  Yet most Christians seem to think God's plan was interrupted by A&E's transgression.  I see it exactly the opposite....God was not fooled or impeded in implementing the plan of salvation.  It was carefully laid out and continues to be implemented to this day, just as the Lord planned it.

Lance Muir wrote:
To DaveH:
I also would like to hear YOU on this. Utilizing all that you know and, employing terminology that would be meaningful to any Mormon, will you kindly tell all of us how you, as a Mormon, understand these events?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: December 05, 2005 07:34
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject--A&E

You have brought this up in the past on TT DaveH but it didn't last long because there is no place to go with it.
By definition all anyone could come up with is their own speculation.  God wasn't caught blindsided. He knew
and prepared for this "BEFORE the foundation of the world" so it's too late for "shoulda, coulda, woulda" now.
Do you mind if I ask why this subject is so interesting to you??
On Sun, 04 Dec 2005 18:42:09 -0800 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
DAVEH:  May I suggest another topic of interest to me?  I am curious as to if any of you folks ever consider what would have happened IF Adam and Eve had not transgressed.  Does that discussion ever come up with you folks?

   Look  --  what are we going to discuss here on TT?   We have pretty much said all that can be said about any number of subjects. 

Dave Hansen
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