Whatever JD;  You asked the question, I just answered it.
Maybe it's best for you to stick with Barth and leave Romans to those who understand Paul the apostle who
is inspired by the Spirit of God.  As I've said before scripture is 'spiritually discerned' 1 Cor 2:14. So my reason, your reason, and/or Barth's reasonings have nothing to do with anything, not anything important that is.
On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 23:46:34 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Lets not discuss this one.   You have no grasp of what is being said.   For example,  Paul speaks of the Gentile and the Jew in this passage.   I ask a question about the two, and you fire back that there is no longer Jew and Gentile.   I must say, Judy,  that your line of reason has markedly declined over the past year.   You have moved from being simply difficult, to difficult to understand,  to just plain  ...   well  ..   I am not sure I have the words to express it.  I will leave it at that.  

From: Judy Taylor <jandgtaylor1@juno.com>
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Cc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 13:14:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Law and Spirit

On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 10:26:28 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Me again. 
 JD writes: You speak as if the Holy Sprit indwelling and the "..law written on their hearts" are two different things.   What exactly do you mean when you,  Judy Taylor, speak of the law written on your heart?   Memorization or what? 
No JD, it's too much for the old unregenerated mind - the law is spiritual - When we are in Christ and indwelt by the Spirit of Christ we like the ppl in Romans 2:14,15 do by nature the things required by God's Law.
You have not explained how your version of legal inwardness is different from that of the OT opportunity for same.  
OT people had no Spirit of Christ indwelling them JD; they were to keep the Levitical Law along with God's moral laws.
Secondly, you  misunderstand Romans , chapter 2  (you meant 2:14-,15 correct ?).  The "Gentiles" in that passage are not regenerated anything. 
There is no way an unregenerated person either OT or NT is able to fulfill God's
law "by nature" JD.  Read about their natures in Ephesians 2.  Children of wrath.
Now tell me how you figure.  Makes no sense.  You are in Calvin's mode - OTOH
saying unregenerate man is by nature totally depraved and the next minute claiming that they can also "by nature" fulfill God's law - something only Jesus
had accomplished pre Calvary.
You only say that because your bias orders you to do so.   
If you want to call it that - OK then.  My scriptural bias compels me to do it.
Look at what you say !!    The "Gentile" (according to you) is anyone and everyone who has the indwelling Holy Spirit.   He is one who has received the new nature and , therefore, does by nature the things of the Law. 
Remember I did say the regenerated gentile who is walking after the Spirit JD.
Don't leave anything out.
So  --  who is the Jew in this passage?   He is obviously not like the rest of us.   If the Gentile is the Holy Ghost inhabited disciple of God  -  who is this Jew guy? 
He is either a disciple of Christ who is also indwelt by the Spirit of God - remember
in Christ there is no Jew, Greek, bond, or free.  All are one.  Or he is a legalistic
Judaiser who is still under bondage to the sacrificial law. 
And , if the Gentile is the one with the Holy Spirit, who does by nature the things of the Law  -   how is it that he might be lost  (".......       conscience either excusing or accusing  .....")?  
That does not refer to saved/lost JD.  When a Christian's conscience excuses them
they go on their way rejoicing.  When accused by the conscience it is time to go to
the throne of grace and do some business with God.  Time to repent. 
And what of 2:12?   The "Gentile" in this passage, according to Judy, is the saved individual  (having the indwelling Holy Spirit).   He is judged by one  standard   and  the Jew  (Christian?) is judged by another.  
I didn't say anything of the kind JD.  The above is your construction and yours alone
Please stop putting words in my mouth.  I can speak for myself, thank you.
It is so much easier to just accept the text for what it says.   
Yes, then you don't have to cut anything out or try to manipulate any passages.
What ever it means, we do know that it cannot be the same experience as those under the Mosaical Law.   Is it the Holy Spirit 's influence  -   but you make a difference between the two.   If this "law" has to do with various and multiple commandments,  how are they written on our hearts in a way different from the Old Law?   I honestly have no idea how you might answer this question.   I have no answer and that is why I reject (up to this point in time) the notion that the "law written on our hearts"  is talking about law as opposed to the rule of the Spirit.  jd
Careful JD, if you reject everything in scripture that you don't comprehend mentally then pretty soon you will have to throw out the whole Book.   jt
 I can't reject what I don't comprehend,   Judy.    You are such an avowed anti-intellectual that it is scary.    And, what is almost funny about your anti-intellectual stance is that you rely so much on your own   brand of intellectualism.    It is startling to me, just how little you use scripture   to get from point A to point B.   "Discernment," my dear,  is the single most lacking quality you possess!!!  

In OT days they did not have the Holy Spirit indwelling them, nor did they have
God's Law written on their hearts.  They lived in a theocracy and Moses had to
gather the ppl, men, women, and children and read God's Law to them every
seven years.  jt
On Thu, 08 Dec 2005 19:21:12 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
How is this different from OT days  ----    
Yes we now have God's Law written on our hearts   ???

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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