Thanks for that, Iz. Very discerning!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: December 12, 2005 09:38
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E

JSmith’s story is typical of the type of stories told by sociopaths.  I’ve had a bit of exposure to such types on more than one occasion, unfortunately.  I once was part of a Christian writer’s group that was joined by a man who just didn’t seem right to me.  He gave me the creeps, and I felt uncomfortable around him.  Everyone else was awed with his “talent” (which I couldn’t see at all) and all the wonderful stories he told about himself doing good works, plus stories about how he had been mistreated and abused in his lifetime. 


He was so good at presenting himself as a fantastic Christian that a local Baptist church hired him as the youth minister.  Meantime I continued to view him with suspicion, but couldn’t figure out why I felt that way towards someone that everyone else thought was the perfect Christian.  It wasn’t until he started telling fantastic stories about how he had been alone at the church and men had broken in and assaulted him, etc., that the church started getting suspicious and fired him.  He was exposed as a fraud, and shortly after that left town with his wife and two young sons.


Years later this man was featured on a TV crime show as someone who had systematically, over the years, murdered his mother-in-law, his wife, and a couple of other people in his family.  My friend who had befriended him and invited him into our group was very upset about it all.  I get the same feeling about stories told by and about JSmith as I got from that fellow.  izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E


Sounds like a tough neighborhood.  Joe must have been as full of grit as bad bad Leroy Brown.

Kevin Deegan wrote:

The plates were secreted about three miles from home. . . Joseph, on coming to them, took them from their secret place, and, wrapping them in his linen frock, placed them under his arm and started for home.

After proceeding a short distance, he thought it would be more safe to leave the road and go through the woods. Traveling some distance after he left the road, he came to a large windfall, and as he was jumping over a log, a man sprang up from behind it, and gave him a heavy blow with a gun. Joseph turned around and knocked him down, then ran at the top of his speed. About half a mile further he was attacked again in the same manner as before; he knocked this man down in like manner as the former, and ran on again; and before he reached home he was assaulted the third time. In striking the last one he dislocated his thumb, which, however, he did not notice until he came within sight of the house, when he threw himself down in the corner of the fence in order to recover his breath. As soon as he was able, he arose and came to the house. He was still altogether speechless from fright and the fatigue of running (Lucy's Book, pp. 385-386, Biographical Sketches, by Lucy Smith, pp. 104-105).


Amazing strength

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

gold plates

DAVEH:   I might add that it is my understanding that they had the appearance of gold.  Whether or not the content was actually 100% gold is something that is debatable.



The Book of Mormon was translated to English from a set of gold plates by Joseph  Smith Jr.  The plates were an abridgement of more extensive records by a Nephite named  Mormon,  and his son, Moroni



In a message dated 12/10/2005 9:19:28 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

who are its authors?


On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 22:49:39 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

..  The Book of Mormon is the word of God


--   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six email lists...  JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,  STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.


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