-------------- Original message --------------
From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:03:43 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
JD: And so it is,  that man (in Romans chapter 1) sees the creation as a witness of God just as surely as God is at work within him  both to will and to accomplish His pleasure.   It is all about God.   We can either attach ourselves to this reality and inherit life or we can refuse the only reality that is and die.   What a choice !!
We have no power to attach ourselves to anything JD, we can only come to Christ one way and this is by being Born of the Spirit
Each of us plays a role in the reviving ontology we call salvation.  
Yes.  Our part is to repent and turn from our old conversation in this world or to ignore/reject the offer of eternal life. 
Well, ok.
II Cor 5:20 has Paul encouraging the Corinthians this wise:  "  be ye reconciled to God."   Of course  it  is the Father who draws man.  
This only happens one way which is through Christ who is the only way to the Father.  
I think I agree with this.  
I hope you do because it is Jesus who said "I am the Way, the Truth & the Life, no man comes to the Father BUT by Me" (John 14:6)  Since your thinking is not identical to scritpure,  I am not sure what is meant by you with the words "through Christ" and so "I think I agree .."
I believe that Philip 2:12-13 reveals a point of truth for all men.   God is at work in us all.   But we still have choices, which you you, as well.   So I am not sure why you wrote the above.
Because God is NOT at work in ALL men.  He is at work in those who have 'by faith' received Christ along with the indwelling Holy Spirit... who the world CAN NOT receive.  (John 14:17)   So, unregenerated man can receive Christ without the help of the Father,  he can give good gifts,   he can even live a good enough life to avoid the judgment of God  (ala Nineveh) but he can't do anything else? 
Yes He is.  No man comes to the son except the Father draws him.    God is concerned that all come to Christ.  I see no limitations in Philip 2:12,13.   Is this draw of God a farced event in the life of the person?  No. 
Don't you believe Ephesians 2:1, 2?  You can't have God and the spirit of this world
working in you at the same time.  Double minded ppl receive nothing from God...
This is just plain wrong, in view of scripture.   While you are busy quoting Eph 2:1,2, why not incorporate Eph 4:20-24 into the mix , as well.   That passage clearly presents both the old and the new at work within man AT THE SAME TIME.   ...  let's not forget Romans 7:25. 
The ppl Paul writes to in Philip 2:12,13 are believers in the church at Philippi.  So what.  When you associate John 3:21 with the Philip 2 passage,  you can see that there is a sense in which God is at work within us all.  Old Testament writers  speak of the "still small voice within."  That would be GOD.  Such an explanation offers the simplest explanation of  the fact that God draws the sinner to Christ.  
Your belief that man is totally depraved of good works before he is introduced to the indwelling Spirit is fantasy.    
I don't believe man is "totally depraved" in the 5 point Calvinistic sense. However, he is dead to truth and the life and light of God.  John says the condemnation is that men love darkness and refuse to come to the light. God is not working in these men.  
Actully, you do believe in the total depravity of man. 
So now you are not only going to tell me what you believe JD - you are also going
to tell me what I believe also??  Its a tough job, but someone has to do it.  Look, Judy.  You believe man is born a sinner.  You believe that no one can do good apart from the influence of the indwelling.  You don't even think we can understand scripture without some sort of divination.   THAT IS BY DEFINITION "total depravity" in my book.  
Read Matt 7:11. 
Why? This chapter has to do with asking, seeking, knocking and Vs.13 addresses entering through the narrow gate with the few that find it rather than travelling the broad road - Vs.15 warns about false prophets which are known by their spiritual fruit.    
Did you miss the part that says "you being evil know how to give good gifts  "  ?? 
No, I saw that part but the ones He gives the good gifts to are those who ask
He does not just pour spiritual gifts all over the disinterested even if it does
rain on both just and unjust. The temporal blessings are just that. You are talking about what He does and I AM TALKING ABOUT WHAT THE EVIL ONES can do  --  give gifts that are good !!!  
Explain the good works of the confession of sin, repentance,  the knowing that Christ is the Son of God. 
Confession of sin and turning from same is normal christianity, where do "good works" come it, this is not a work it is a godly response to truth in the heart.  
 You are reaching, here.   What is the difference to Judy between good works and "normal christianity."  Is the giving of good gifts something we do  (ala Matt 7:11).
Matt 7:11 is a scripture that is used to encourage people to seek the Baptism in
the Holy Spirit but these people are already born again believers.
If i were you,  I would immediately stop speaking of "illumination."   You are so far off base here that I am just not going to respond.   Judy now beleive in born again Christian seeking the baptism of the spirit before the thespotles  !!  who were told to wait in Jerusalem. 
This does not
prove the unbelieve has God working in him or anything like that.  Of course it does.  

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