----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12/17/2005 1:19:38 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Saturday Sabbath

Dean Moore wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12/16/2005 9:30:38 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Saturday Sabbath

Romans 14:4-6           Who are you to judge another man's servant?  To his own master he stands or falls..................................................One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike.  Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.
You seem to be convinced, Iz, that you need to keep the Sabbath, therefore you should do so.  I have no such conviction, so I do not.  You esteem one day over another, I do not. That seem scriptural to you?
Terry-I realize this letter was written to  Izzy but I would like to add input to better understand -or to learn more-of God's word.
1. The above verse does not by any means take away the obligation of keeping Gods 4 th commandment-it is a commandment of Perpetual obligation,"Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy "as God sanctified it-and nowhere in the Bible is it shown to have been done away with by the introduction of Christianity. Are you unsatisfying this day with your use of Romans 14:4-6? Did Jesus tell the rich young ruler that to enter heaven-one must keep the commandments but not the 4th? Does John 2 :4 State that He that saith, I know him and keepeth not his commandments, EXCEPT THE SABBATH COMMANDMENT , is a liar, and the truth is not in him? Surely it does no such thing .
2. No where in this verse is the Sabbath day even mentioned-it is making reference to  the feasts days-and tell each" to be fully persuaded in his own mind" if the thing he does is lawful or not because the Jews  added many restrictions to the new Moon Days or "Feast Day". Adam Clark and John Wesley both agree with this. Upon being "fully persuaded" that the thing one does is lawful of not-one would have to view the breaking of The 4th Commandment as unlawful.Consider Romans 14:3 " Let him eateth not judge him that eateth" If this is referring to the Sabbath then one must conclude that it is wrong to eat on the Sabbath that no longer exists? The Jews demanded restrictions on certain food onThe feast Day(s)-see Romans 14:2.
3. If one can decides by their "convictions which commandments should be kept then they would no longer be 11 commandments but rather 11 choices and this would also allow the luke warmers to break God's law without judgement as they only have to live by their "convictions" and without the ability to listening to that "still small voice" one convictions would be overruled by the desires of the flesh that luke warmers follow anyway. Why then would there be any need for the Word of God as we would not need it as we have private convictions to do what is right in each mans own eyes. Thank God for teaching us to observe his word as to fine tune our convictions unto submission to His word as there is no truth apart from God. If you Terry are "convicted" that one should either eat herbs or meat on the feast Days then don't use this small giving liberty to encourage other to break God's Commandment-nor do so yourself. Isa 66:22-24 shows the keeping of the Sabbath follows into heaven-are you saying that in that Holy place it is co ntinued but not here where it is needed most..
I appreciate your trying to help me Dean, but I do not agree.
cd: You do realize that this is the Bible I am quoting that you are disagreeing with?


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