By the way, Judy, I was serious about this.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
I'll tell you what, Judy, your constant accusation that we (John, Lance, myself, et al) are conforming to the Church fathers, is nothing but an ad hom and needs to stop, so we can get on to discussing the truth of this matter. How about a compromise? We'll be content to accept your charge against us, that we embrace Orthodoxy on this subject, the stated confession of the Church throughout the ages; if you'll accept the opposite and embrace the fact that you are therefore a heretic -- by the same confession of course! That way, when we discuss God, we'll know who among us are orthodox in our beliefs and who heretical, and we won't need to get into silly and pointless ad hominem arguments. Is that all right with you?
We'll be the orthodox group and you the heretic: a compromise! Are you willing to do that? 
Cd: Judy by Catholic and Calvinist standards you would fit the profile of a heretic:-)

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