It was a purely pragmatic decision. It was NOT a revelation.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 08, 2006 20:04
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry(update on remnant of Jacob)

Blainerb:  The decision to allow Blacks the PH was made after weeks and even months of agonizing prayer and discussion, which prayer and discussion followed the great success Mormon missionaries were having in Africa.  The decision was made solely on the basis of desire to include worthy Black males from that continent in the on-going work of the Lord--mostly missionary work, but other aspects as well.  The Mormon Priesthood has always been a lay priesthood, and it was necessary to get those Blacks busy taking care of their own, rather than having White men exercising dominion over them. 
In a message dated 1/8/2006 12:51:44 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Blaine: I have an audio tape, surreptitiously obtained, of the then prophet (1978) describing the 'revelation' (political decision) to permit non-whites into the priesthood. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 07, 2006 18:10
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry(update on remnant of Jacob)

Blainerb:  What John and brother Moore have written below  is the crux of what God meant when he told Joseph Smith that the Protestant ministers of the day taught doctrines of men, which had a form of Godliness, but denied the Power thereof.  In other words, they denied the "greater revelation," or the possibility of "greater revelation" than that contained in the Bible. 
This will turn to their ultimate condemnation, in the great hereafter, because God has all power--and is the same today, yesterday, and forever--including having the right and ability to give forth "greater revelation."
If the ministers of Protestant religion do not repent of this prideful stubbornness, then I am thinking one of the most  immediate consequences will be for God to empower the Remnant of Jacob to go through, and destroy the wonderful civilization that has  been built up over the past two hundred years called the US of A.  Those Mexicans, most of whom are descendants of the Aztecs,  who by the way worshipped Quetzalquatl, who was described as being a White God who wore a white robe and a beard,  just keep coming over the border, don't they? Despite efforts to stay them, and the prophecy contained in 3 Nephi of the BoM creeps closer and closer to being fulfilled every day.  I hope when it happens, the "Remnant" will by then have recognized the LDS Church as something other than a "White Guy's" church. 
There is already evidence this is true.  The Navajo language has two words for White men:  Biligana, which is a derisive term, meaning something like, "White Enemy," and another term which simply means "White brother."  The latter is usually applied to members of the LDS Church.  
I spent three years teaching Dine' (Navajos) in Southern Utah, and I know that among them are many who have adopted the Black man's symbol for Black Power--a raised, gloved hand--except the fingers of the glove have been cut off, allowing the red man's fingers to show through at the end of the glove, apparently symbolizing the Red Power Movement that has grown from the Black Power Movement.  
You Protestant cowboys might do well to strap on your six-shooters, 'cause I believe the day will soon come when the game we played as little kids--Cowboys and Indians--may become a nightmarish reality . .  .

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