----- Original Message -----
Sent: 1/8/2006 7:41:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry(update on remnant of Jacob)

Blainerb:   The Lord's words never cease--he is the same yesterday, today and forever.   Look in your Bible.  The words of the Lord never ceased, except to fulfill the prophecy of Amos 8:11
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord."
This happened during the dark ages, when even the written word was in a dead language--Latin--and the only prophecies heard were those made by astrologers and the like--from uninspired lips.  But as the scriptures were translated into native languages and were printed for the masses, the famine began to come to an end. 
cd: No Blaine respectfully, you are wrong- This happen from Malachi to Matthew as there was over 400 years of silence from heaven as foretold in Isaiah 53:2 ... as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground...Then John came forth to proclaim the coming of Christ to prepare the way for him. Who prepared the way for J. Smith? What was his name ? What did he say?Tell me so I too can learn?
But when more of the word of the Lord than what had been theretofore  printed came to light, the preachers of the day rejected it--"A Bible, A Bible, we have a Bible and we need no more Bible," they said, and they continue to say it today.  They say it for gain.  The Lord's work, which like his word never ceases, does not pay well if the clergy are laymen, which they are in the Lord's church, and which they were in the original church.  They went out without purse or script--no money, no big salaries.   You are a deceived people.  You are deceived by your ministers, who preach for gain. 
cd: I am a minister of God's word and nobody has ever paid me -but through the years people have given me money while on on the street and a couple of times after I preached in Churches-to which I told them I do not charge for preaching and took the money-upon their insistence- after they clearly understood it would be used to feed the brethren on some preaching event-and to allow those who give to receive a blessing-and to the best of my memory it was used for that. I know many more who do likewise Blaine-David M I suspect would do likewise.Jesus gave us freely we are told to do the same. In SLC in a freezing rain I once was given an umbrella by a Mormon who clearly hated my guts-to which I took it and said thank you as He angry walked off in the rain. I then turned and gave it to a women who was wet and cold and she was delighted and i told her to give God the thanks. Who did the greater good Blaine? The one with the hard giving heart or me as I still delight in the women's smile ? By the way, the word of God is enough for me and I need no more bible but the world needs more of what is in Christ's/my bible for that Grace alone is sufficient as Christ told Paul in 2Cor. 12:9-why do I need more. I offer that grace to you Blaine just take a step in that direction and the rest will take care of itself-Just a little faith in Christ alone is enough.

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