Blaine wrote:
> Let's face it, SPs were not popular even
> among those opposed to the Plaza. 
Do you mean, "even among those opposed to the PRIVATIZATION of the Plaza"?
I'm only asking you to consider the ultimate WHY concerning the objection to Street Preachers.  There are many reasons that people state that sound legitimate, but the true reasons are often under the surface.  From my perspective, the motivation of those who supported privatizing the Plaza was power / control and money.  The motivation of the street preachers was none of these things.  They paid out of their own pocket to be there.  Nobody paid them a cent.  I discern no desire on their part to control others.  As far as I can tell, their only motivation was to have their message heard.  That could have been resolved in a less expensive way by inviting the Street Preachers to come indoors in a more orderly forum and deliver their message.  There were many others ways to resolve this matter, and the costly solution arrived at is still not an ultimate solution.
Peace be with you.
David Miller.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry

Blainerb:  You may have a point there, David--the value of the property being offered to the city by the LDS Church was no small amount (but it is conjectural only).   Rocky gave his reasons, which appeared in print and on TV several times, and included were his personal experiences watching SPs on the Plaza--he also expressed fears that such would get worse, not better.  His interest was mainly in bringing the divergent groups in the city together in a compromise situation, and the fact that the LDS Church sweetened that situation was only part of the deal.  He maintained that the bottom line was the behavior of the SPs--he was clearly afraid of that sort of thing creating more divisiveness, which, more than anything,would pose a threat to his continuance as Mayor of the city--so, it had political overtones, I guess you might say, as well.  Let's face it, SPs were not popular even among those opposed to the Plaza.     
In a message dated 1/8/2006 6:02:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Blaine, if money were not involved, don't you think the outcome would have
been a bit different?  Follow the money, Blaine.  The love of money is the
root of all evil.  The Mormons supplied the money.  The city leaders took
it.  Think about it.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry

In a message dated 1/8/2006 8:30:42 A.M. Mountain Standard Time,
Hey Judy, I've got a question for you: When Street Preachers point their
fingers at Blaine and say 'Repent or you're going to hell!" is that
Blainerb:  Answer, but from Blaine, not Judy:  NO!!  :>)  Street Preachers
do more harm than good--that is the consensus of opinion, at least among the
more righteous preachers of  traditional Christianity.  Even Rocky Anderson,
Salt Lake City Mayor, a former ACLU Attorney, was turned off by the insolent
behavior of the street preachers.  He finally sided with the LDS Church on
the Plaza issue, mainly because of the SPs.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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