cd: Judy I believe you have me wrong-I think the Holy Ghost played a major role in the Divines of Christ-But also believe he is divine as simply Christ (respectfully).Nor do I think that the Holy Spirit can be removed from Christ any more than God can be removed from Christ-inseparable.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 1/13/2006 10:51:27 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Christ - incarnate God (Judy)

Dean and Lance,
What exactly was it about jesus that made him divine?
Since you say you know what it was not - can you now tell me what it is?
On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:40:21 -0500 "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
            Lance wrote:
              It was not the Holy Spirit "in" Jesus that made him divine, if it were then all believers would be equally divine.
Yes; this is what I thought to myself also when I read Judy's post about that.
cd: Lance and Debbie- what bearing do you view Jesus having that spirit "without measure" have on you statement?

Albert Barns wrote:

Joh 3:34 -

Whom God hath sent - The Messiah.

Speaketh the words of God - The truth, or commands of God.

For God giveth not the Spirit - The Spirit of God. Though Jesus was God as well as man, yet, as Mediator, God anointed him, or endowed him with the influences of his Spirit, so as to be completely qualified for his great work.

By measure - Not in a small degree, but fully, completely. The prophets were inspired on particular occasions to deliver special messages. The Messiah was continually filled with the Spirit of God. "The Spirit dwelt in him, not as a vessel, but as in a fountain, as in a bottomless ocean (Henry).



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