,,your doctrine's about like jt's ain't it--
sorta like you are among a couple of ppl whose mind is the God-thoughts of God,
Someone with the mind of Christ thinks on God's thoughts rather than those of Bob Dylan Gary
Is this a problem for you?
 'Immanuel' be damned?
Oh well!  Out of the abundance that fills the heart the mouth speaks......!!!
cd: My doctrine is as Judy's but we will have some difference as God leads each one on a separate journey and there are many parts to the same body.I would like to think my mind is being shaped by God-with the thoughts of God. I would not damn Emmanuel as He presented me to God and taught me of God greatness-yet God gave me to Christ as His own which I hope to live up to-may God help me live up to that which is Christ.In the below letter I stated that "Gary is into Gary" I did this so we could come to this point of discussion. You are into your expressive form of art which you enjoy presenting-weather or not other can learn from this form-or even understand what you are saying is secondary to what you love in this form of _expression_-Therefore I conclude self is more important than others to you and hence the statement.This is not to belittle you but you "seem" to have much to offer the hearer-but if one speaks in a language none can understand what gain does God receive from your wo rk. Have you considered finding someone to interpret for you? If not-then be silent as Paul ordered the church who were also speaking in "tongues" that could not be understood.I mean this for your good Gary.
On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 21:19:13 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
are you street preachin' these days?
On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 09:18:12 -0500 "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
cd:John -not to insult but I think to focus on concernment on you part would put most of these issues at rest. If you went and asked students at college:" what do you think the highest level of math is?" I think you would get different answers as studentsstudents vary in grade levels-would you then walk away shaking your head saying theses students have been taught wrong? No, I would think that you would realize some have more knowledge than others and relate to them in an appropriate manner-even to help the younger ones understand more-the trick- in my opinion- is to decide where to start and hopefully one can learn as they seek to help others.The same can be said here. D.Miller in my opinion could be one of the leading Bible scholars of our day if he ever outgrew the Church of God-which has trapped his doctoring and he is blind to this fact-which speaks of pride. Judy and I are caught somewhere between Calvinism and Armenians in our doctrine but we see this and want it out of our teachings as soon we can- but ar e finding that the teachings run deep and don't really know how to leave it behind. The "intellectuals" are trapped in Calvinism toward Catholicism and don't even know it as they focus on the "dancing around teachings" of Baxter-and if they did know one would doubt if they would care. Blaine is Mormon in belief and doctoring and will listen to truth and even agree with that truth but fail to incorporate that his beliefs. DaveH knows the truth but fear prevents him from dealing with that truth-the comfort zone has trapped him.. Izzy-in my limited knowledge of her-has a good handle on truth but is resisted by the flesh. Gary is into Gary.Perry is a great man from my limited knowledge.  This is all just my opinion given to help-for you and them not to attack.Note: that I am limited by my bias of self so any feedback offered would be helpful. The main point is go slow as people are different but one must know Jesus and the crucified one.

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