cd: Bill one of the Mormons prophets Alfonso Snow wrote: As God was so are we as God is we will be. I think this is close on name and quote if not forgive my mistake-Mormons consider themselves god's in the embryonic stage and that Jesus is the God of this world-as they will grow and be gods of their own worlds.
----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
Sent: 1/15/2006 3:16:56 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] love and trinity THE HUMANITY OF CHRIST IS NOT DIVINE

DH  >  So.....what do you perceive to be the limitations that prevent us from becoming like God?
He is God and we are not.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] love and trinity THE HUMANITY OF CHRIST IS NOT DIVINE

DAVEH  As you know, the LDS believe that mortals can become like God.  I assume you agree with the following.....

    We can become perfect (in a complete sense) like God.

    We can know the difference between good and evil.

    We can become one with him, as he (Jesus) is one with his Father.

    We will eventually be resurrected like him.

    So.....what do you perceive to be the limitations that prevent us from becoming like God?

Taylor wrote:
If I understand you correctly, Dean, you believe that Christ while walking this earth was fully God. I DO TOO. And if I understand you correctly, you also believe that Christ while on this earth was fully human. I DO TOO.

Dave Hansen
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