----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 1/18/2006 6:32:03 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The rationality of "God" -- nonsense

It may be 'that no (wo)man is an island' yet, does every 'island' produce its own theologian. The DM's (2) need be remindeded that the Scriptures in the hands of some can be dangerous. 
cd: Only if that scripture is wrong and takes away from what the words mean-but if it is used to explain the existing truth-it is not only not dangerous but divine Lance.I am not the first to make the below statement.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: January 18, 2006 06:18
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The rationality of "God" -- nonsense

You are the ONLY ONE I have ever met who believes that Adam and Eve were not flesh and
blood but "spirit beings" before the fall  ------------   the only one.
cd: John I contend that A&E were more than just flesh before the fall-I view them as being's of light.The same light that shown from Moses face after he came into Gods presence also.Don't get me wrong the flesh existed but the sin didn't. I farther contend that Adam saw Eve in her fallen state and chose to eat the apple to be with her out of love-if not she would be forever lost to him.He came from being able to name all the animals on earth-a genius- to dying spiritually (light went out) and hiding from God for fear and shame.

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