I believe that He defeated sin in his person by the same powers available to me as I walk in the Spirit.  
He was taught the ways of life  (Acts 2:28).  He was made like me in every respect.  He experienced temptation and even death   .....   that death which brings Him to an end as a result of sin.  But because He was truly innocent,  death could not lay hold of His demise. 
cd: I think that you're usage of tempting is wrong JD. Tempting is used as to test or prove as well and to face/deal with temptations as you are using the term-these are completely different. Christ wasn't struggling with lust of the flesh,the pride of life,or that which is pleasing to the eye-no not at all. He was simple tested as all Christians are tested. God will not lead us into sin-that is Satan's doing-but he will tempt us(try,test). Satan is the god of this world who controls the powers and principalities which is the laws and governments of this world that is why in the last day all nations will surround Israel to destory her.We gave Satan that authority in the garden and we are still on his truff-till Christ comes and then he is chained for 1000 yrs.
Webster Dictionary: Tempt:
5. In Scripture, to try; to prove; to put to trial for proof.

God did tempt Abraham. Gen 22.

Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God. Deu 6.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


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