IFO see almost no comparison between the ministry of Jesus and the ministry of Hinn.

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
Sent: January 22, 2006 17:25
Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Lance and "biblical language"

I think the Street Preachers understand
B. Hinn quite well.

I see it differently.

CD wrote:
I have no problem with laying on hands to heal
the sick-heck-I am even for this-but to travel
great distances to believe Hinn has some special
insite/power with God is error-it is suppose to be
done with the elders of the church.

If the elders of the church do not pray the prayer of faith, and the person
finds that he is still sick, then there is nothing wrong with him going to
someone who has faith or who has gifts of healings. Read 1 Cor. 12 and you
will find that gifts of healings, miracles, and faith are not limited to
elders of the church.

CD wrote:
When the women touched Christ and was cured of
the issue of blood-what (virtue) flowed from Christ
to the women Hinn does not have. I suspect that
the only cure Hinn has to offer is to cure one of covenaent
money as he has most of it. You comparison of Christ and
Hinn in the above is a mistake.

I only pointed out that even Jesus Christ could not heal many because of
their unbelief.  If such explains failure in prayer with Jesus Christ, how
much more does it explain failure with us.  Therefore, we ought not deter
the faith of anyone just because they are seeking help through another
minister. Such objections arise from jealousy and envy, not from the Spirit
of God.

The testimony of many people is that they have been healed by God through
Hinn's ministry, which is why so many give money to him. When a person has
an incurable disease, they often become extremely grateful to the person
they view as responsible for facilitating that healing.  I have had the
poorest of the poor give me the widow's mite so to speak.  You don't know
how difficult it is to receive such a gift, but the Spirit taught me long
ago, nobody can give if nobody receives.  Therefore, the answer is to pour
the money back into helping them.  I don't know what Hinn does with his
money. He may very well be spending it unfaithfully, but if your criticism concerns him receiving lots of money, then your criticism is misdirected at
the wrong end of the cash flow.

CD wrote:
By the way when did we become protesters? I understood
you to be a preacher-we are likewise.

Sometimes preachers do protest, and these Benny Hinn events are merely
protests against Hinn.  Just listen to what they are saying, or consider
their signs.  If they were preaching, they would heal the sick through the
laying on of hands and the prayer of faith as the people came in. It seems to me that these street preachers who protest Hinn are in error, filled with a spirit of envy and backbiting. I suspect the street preachers protesting
at the Promise Keepers events are basically the same thing.

David Miller.

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