Dean, do you think in school that Jesus never missed a question on a test in 
his whole life?  Did he ever drop his keys, was his penmanship always 
perfect, when he drew a picture, was it the most beautiful picture ever 
drawn?  What about his physique, was he the most handsome man ever created, 
did he have any freckles or moles on his body, did he ever bite his 
fingernails, did he ever get any dirt under his fingernails?  When he walked 
the road in sandals, did his feet ever get dusty?  Do you think he ever 
experienced a sunburned skin?  Did he ever experience the problem of getting 
a speck of foreign material in his eye?  Just how far removed from the 
normal experiences of life do you think Jesus was?  Why be born of a woman 
at all if he was not going to experience how we mortals live our lives?

David Miller.

> Do you believe that as a baby, Jesus cried and caused his parents some
> of sleep and grief?  Did he fall and skin his knee as a kid, and make
> mistakes, maybe hitting his thumb with a hammer, stuff like that?  If he
> were swinging a bat at a baseball, would he perhaps miss sometimes, even
> strike out?
cd: No I don't-nor did He stump his toe-
>Mat 4:6  And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down:
for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in
their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot
against a stone. I will have to give the baseball thing some thought.
> David Miller

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