Judy, you write as though you think you are disputing my comments; however, you are not:
 1. "Bill you are totally into flesh and blood - even your theology is earthly."    Not only is this an ad hominem argument, it is also untrue. If of late my focus has been upon Christ's human nature, it is only because the humanity of Christ has been to topic of our discussion. At no time, however, have I failed to also uphold the truth of his divinity. This post included.
2. "The first Adam was fruitful and he did multiply - in the flesh."     As I acknowledge in my post, Judy: Adam's sin brought death not only to himself but also to all of his descendants -- Jesus included. However, it was only after the fall that he did this; hence all of his posterity were born under the curse of sin -- Jesus included.
3. "The second Adam, contrary to your claim was not born into the fall."    Christ was born of the fruit of David's genitals, Judy. He is the Offspring of David and the Seed of Abraham. Both David and Abraham are Adam's descendants; hence Christ is Adam's descendant too. "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, . . ." (Acts 17.26)
4. "He is the Lord from Heaven; and was the Lord of life from His birth."     As I acknowledge in my post, Judy. But he was also God. In this one person of Christ God and man came together and accomplished what man alone could not do: the undoing of the first Adam. Throughout his life, Christ's response to the fall was not to sin, not to do what Adam had done, but to do his Father's will. Hence in his person, Christ reclaimed Adam's posterity (not to mention Adam himself), defeating what had brought death to them all.
5. "He didn't generate any physical life though and he died unmarried and childless."    This so stupid as to not even warrant a response.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Was Jesus of God's Nature?

I'd have to disagree with every point made by Bill in his post about the two Adams;     He had Cain, Abel, Seth and no telling how many others since he lived for 967 or so years.

The second Adam, contrary to your claim was not born into the fall.     judyt

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